Demonstrate a sound understanding of research methodologies appropriate to interdisciplinary study.

Research and Reflective statement 1. Demonstrate a sound understanding of research methodologies appropriate to interdisciplinary study. 2. Demonstrate an awareness of the issues involved in integrating different theoretical perspectives in interdisciplinary research. 3. Show a critical understanding of the ethical issues involved in research. 4. Show personal initiative and independence in identifying and examining literature … Read more

Using the feedback received for their research idea and initial research question, design, conduct, and provide a report about a small-scale research project undertaken using digital methods.

WDRA’s collection of data on Twitter. Analysis is required using Sentistrength and Voyant Tool. Word Length:  3,000 words, excluding references. Using the feedback received for their research idea and initial research question, design, conduct, and provide a report about a small-scale research project undertaken using digital methods.

Write an essay entry with 5 Topics. Each Topic/entry should be treated like a mini essay, introduce the concept then critically evaluate it.

CONTEMPORARY ISSUES IN POLICING Write an essay entry with 5 Topics. Each Topic/entry should be treated like a mini essay, introduce the concept then critically evaluate it. 1. Ethics in Policing (1000)words with academic references below it. 2.Corruption (500 words) with academic references below it 3.Cyber Crime(500 words) with academic references below it. 4.Community Policing … Read more

Provide a commentary in which you discuss the role and impact of media in 21st century

Online media platform Create a portfolio within which you must include the following elements: Part 1: Design and make a media ‘product’ which could be presented on a specified online media platform. Part 2: Provide a commentary in which you discuss the role and impact of media in 21st century.  

With explicit reference to children, young people and families, what are local services doing to address stigma and discrimination.

Mental distress, recovery, resilience and wellbeing Demonstrate your understanding of the ways in which the impact of Covid-19 can be experienced by children, or young people or families and design a resource that can signpost them to areas of support for mental distress during the pandemic. With regard to children and young people, how and … Read more