The European Central Bank’s COVID-19 Relief Plan : Write an explanation of a certain phenomenon, or setting the facts straight about a certain issue.

The European Central Bank’s COVID-19 Relief Plan. Write an explanation of a certain phenomenon, or setting the facts straight about a certain issue. Include a comparison of two phenomena, if it reveals features of them that are significant and contested, relatively unknown, or novel. The essay should be about 3000 words long.

What is the role of Third World Feminism in African Gender Politics.

What is the role of Third World Feminism in African Gender Politics. What is the role third world feminism in african gender politics? Matriarch vs Patriarchy, do they have any role in or impact on feminism? How does gender based violence affect feminism? Why is feminism being dismissed in African societies? Paper details: Abstract. Introduction. … Read more

civil rights : Choose a case from your state that involves civil rights or civil liberties that was decided by the United States Supreme Court and write about it.

Civil rights Choose a case from your state that involves civil rights or civil liberties that was decided by the United States Supreme Court and write about it. If your state does not have a case that was decided by the United States Supreme Court, choose a civil rights case from another state for which … Read more

Compose a paper arguing that democracy does help reduce conflict  but that democracies still engage in conflict nevertheless.

Does democracy reduce conflict? Compose a paper arguing that democracy does help reduce conflict  but that democracies still engage in conflict nevertheless. The conclusion should emphasise that although democracies are flawed because of this, they are still the best system of governance. Includes 20 academic sources to support and counter various arguments.  

American government : Describe state electoral laws including registration requirements, formal barriers, voting registration and reforms. Why is voter turnout so low in the U.S.? What are the consequences of low voter turnout?

American government Describe state electoral laws including registration requirements, formal barriers, voting registration and reforms. Why is voter turnout so low in the U.S.? What are the consequences of low voter turnout? Discuss the political issues surrounding campaign funds. Be sure to include sources of funding, campaign finance regulation, political parties, and whether or not … Read more

Elite Theory : How would you summarize the key ideas of elite theory?What are the core beliefs of elite theory that represent the larger consensus of American culture?

Elite Theory Read the elite theory essay. Respond to the following points: How would you summarize the key ideas of elite theory? What are the core beliefs of elite theory that represent the larger consensus of American culture? How do elite theorists view the election system in America? Do elites encourage widescale public discussion? What … Read more

Describe state electoral laws including registration requirements, formal barriers, voting registration and reforms. Why is voter turnout so low in the U.S.? What are the consequences of low voter turnout?

Choose  one question from the following: Describe state electoral laws including registration requirements, formal barriers, voting registration and reforms. Why is voter turnout so low in the U.S.? What are the consequences of low voter turnout? Discuss the political issues surrounding campaign funds. Be sure to include sources of funding, (ie. SuperPacs, 527 committees etc.), … Read more

What are two important lessons to be drawn from the history of Canada’s political parties provided in Partisan Odysseys?

Respond to two (2) of the following questions. Each response to one typed page (double-spaced; normal font and margins). 1. What are two important lessons to be drawn from the history of Canada’s political parties provided in Partisan Odysseys? 2. Both the U.S. and Canadian electoral systems use the Single Member Plurality (or First Past … Read more