What is transformational leadership? Give examples of organizational situations that would call for transformational, transactional, or charismatic leadership.

What is transformational leadership? Give examples of organizational situations that would call for transformational, transactional, or charismatic leadership. In giving examples, strive to describe circumstances where each style would be appropriate and try to find actual company examples.

How do you think specialization on complex technical projects can successfully be managed to ensure that the quality of the deliverables is maintained?

After you have reviewed the two videos and the two articles on Deming systems I would like you to discuss the following: In Atul Gawande's TED Talk he mentions how specialization has led medicine to become a group of components that often do not act as one system. From a Project Management standpoint. How do … Read more

Compare and contrast the current research findings with the principles and concepts presented in your Heizer, et al. textbook.

Research paper on the industrial management issues related to production and operations of the Lockheed Martin F-35 aircraft. Considering the 10 OM decisions, your paper will be a review of issues that were caused by a failure in the production/operations management process. You will Compare and contrast the current research findings with the principles and … Read more

Write a brief essay (1-2 pages) articulating how they will apply the content in the video to develop their leadership skills.

For homework, students will watch a video by Herminia Ibarra (an academic with considerable expertise in leadership), “Act Like a Leader, Think Like a Leader”. The video discusses how students can improve their own leadership skills. Here is the video to watch before coming to class: Herminia Ibarra – Act Like a Leader, Think Like … Read more

 Select a company to describe and analyze its strategic moves over last three to ten years’ period.

Select a company to describe and analyze its strategic moves over last three to ten years’ period. Describe the apparent strategy it pursues and discuss its adequacy and effectiveness. Use some of the conceptual tools seen in class. Suggested number of words: 1,500 to 3,000. This final report has to be submitted online on Moodle … Read more

List and describe the six activities project managers should use to closeout a project.

List and describe the six activities project managers should use to closeout a project. Which activity is most important? Which activity is least important? Can you describe an activity that should be included? Your essay should be approximately 400 words. Be sure to use proper APA punctuation as well as provide research references

Describe his leadership style, his administration policy.Asset their leadership style. Their organization annual report.

He is New York City police commissioner. Describe his leadership style, his administration policy.Asset their leadership style. Their organization annual report. The different types leadership are authentic, servant, psycho-dynamic, team, gender, adaptive or culture leadership which one does he display. could be more than one.