Select a company to describe and analyze its strategic moves over last three to ten years’ period.

Select a company to describe and analyze its strategic moves over last three to ten years’ period.

Describe the apparent strategy it pursues and discuss its adequacy and effectiveness. Use some of the conceptual tools seen in class.

Suggested number of words: 1,500 to 3,000.

This final report has to be submitted online on Moodle two weeks(10 working days) immediately after the last lecture.

A successful submission of your final report must meet the following conditions:

The final report has to be either in WORD or PDF format.
The file name of your final report has to be:ST540E2021_GROUP NUMBER_YOUR LAST NAME_YOUR GIVEN MAE_YOUR STUDENT NUMBER. Your group name will be determined when the lecture starts(you will find it one the attendance list). This file name has to be mentioned in your title page of final report.
Any late submission of the final report will be considered as submission failure,except a written confirmation from the lecturer in advance.
Other topics beyond the above mentioned will be considered as failure.
Spelling and grammar mistakes can be tolerated, if the total number of such mistakes and errors is less than 24.