4- Planning and Zoning- Discuss any potential zoning issues Muriel may encounter with regard to the location and type of development she has in mind.

4- Planning and Zoning Discussion Pos. Discuss any potential zoning issues Muriel may encounter with regard to the location and type of development she has in mind. List the steps Muriel would have to follow in order to obtain a building permit for her project.

Compare and contrast arguments of those who think local police should be trained and deputized to enforce U.S. immigration law and those who think only federal officials should participate in immigration enforcement.

POLICIES AND LEGAL ANALYSIS. Compare and contrast arguments of those who think local police should be trained and deputized to enforce U.S. immigration law and those who think only federal officials should participate in immigration enforcement.

What is the relationship between the ethnic make-up of a state and the number of hate crimes committed?

What is the relationship between the ethnic make-up of a state and the number of hate crimes committed? Which hate crime has the highest number of offense  (i.e. anti-Jewish, anti-black, anti-white, anti-Muslim, anti-sexual orientation)? What United States city experienced the highest number of reported hate crimes? Where is there a disproportionate number of false hate … Read more

Sex Trafficking-How does the issue affect, or can continue to affect, our social world?

Sex Trafficking   Conduct a brief, yet descriptive, secondary analysis (i.e., research the topic and what has been written about the topic). How does the issue affect, or can continue to affect, our social world (i.e., emotionally – cognitively – physically – socially)? What strategies / approaches have been used or can currently be used … Read more

Discuss the police agency without also examining how the police and community interact.

The Police and the Community: It is impossible to discuss the police agency without also examining how the police and community interact. Sometimes this interaction is positive, and other times it can be negative. Regardless, the police depend on the community to successfully fulfill their mission. The people of the community depend on the police … Read more

In 550-600 words, discuss the ways in which the Nara and Heian courts established and maintained political authority, in all of its military, economic, social, religious, and cultural aspects.

In 550-600 words, discuss the ways in which the Nara and Heian courts established and maintained political authority, in all of its military, economic, social, religious, and cultural aspects. Conclude by pointing to some of the reasons for the imperial state’s gradual decline.