Sex Trafficking-How does the issue affect, or can continue to affect, our social world?

Sex Trafficking  

Conduct a brief, yet descriptive, secondary analysis (i.e., research the topic and what has been written about the topic).

How does the issue affect, or can continue to affect, our social world (i.e., emotionally – cognitively – physically – socially)?
What strategies / approaches have been used or can currently be used to promote social change and wellness?

Provide a brief, yet concrete, historical overview of the particular social issue (i.e., how did it become an issue? Who has been involved? Who has benefited? Who has been affected? etc.);
How is the particular social issue currently impacting people’s lives?
What suggestions do you have for promoting changes?
What sociological concepts / approaches / theories can apply when attempting to understand and address the social issue as well as when promoting individual – societal wellness?