Discuss the impacts each court case had, modern legislation on the military and the lgbtq+ individuals as well as what has been done nowadays to combat discrimination against LGBTQ+ individuals and what could be done.

Editing script for podcast on the evolution of LGBTQ+ rights Edit a script for a podcast on the evolution of LGBTQ+ rights and the way in which LGBTQ+ individuals have been seen and treated in the United States Armed Forces over history. Discuss the impacts each court case had, modern legislation on the military and … Read more

Explain a minimum of two techniques you currently utilize to protect your valuable data from being a target of cyber crime.

Protection from Cyber Crime. Cybersecurity is not only an issue for governments and large corporations, it also impacts us as individuals. From a criminal justice professional perspective, provide a professional opinion about the issues related to security and protection from cybercrime. Address the following. Describe the data you currently have that you consider important. Explain … Read more

Within the context of this document, write to the Attorney General of Rhode Island and explain your concerns about privacy issues, biometrics, and data collection techniques being considered by police departments in Rhode Island.

BLUF assignment Take the position of an analyst assigned to a panel tasked with researching potential concerns that affect technology and its negative implications on policies and laws. Within the context of this document, write to the Attorney General of Rhode Island and explain your concerns about privacy issues, biometrics, and data collection techniques being … Read more

Identify the theories of product liability that Stella could rely upon when suing McDonald’s for compensation of her injuries. In your opinion, should she recover damages? Why or why. not?

Title, Risk of Loss and Products Liability As you read chapters 18, 19 and 20, you will learn how risk of loss follows titled ownership of good as well as comprehensive legal theories enabling recovery in products liability cases. In 1994, Stella Liebeck, while being a passenger in a parked vehicle, was holding a cup … Read more

Advise Happy Crumble and the other companies importing apples into Paranoida on how they should develop their arguments in light of the relevant EU law.

EUROPEAN UNION LAW PROBLEM QUESTION REFERENCE IN OSCOLA Happy Crumble is a company located in Paranoida – a fictitious Member State of the European Union (EU) – and its main activity consists in manufacturing different types of apple desserts. Happy Crumble has been active since 2005 and it usually imports apples from other Member States … Read more

Do you agree or disagree that judges should be allowed discretion in sentencing?Explain.

Anthony Townsend Kronman of the Yale Law School writes: If judges are legislators and not adjudicators who are merely applying the rules they have been authorized to apply in the cases that come before them, what is it that gives their decisions legitimacy or authority? (Kronman, 1986) Do you agree or disagree that judges should … Read more

Critically analyze this statement with reference to s.172 of the Companies Act 2006 and to relevant case law focusing in particular on the concept of “enlightened shareholder value”.

Company Law “The question is not whether, viewed objectively by the court, the particular act or omission which is challenged was in fact in the interests of the company; still less is the question whether the court, had it been in the position of the director at the relevant time, might have acted differently. Rather, … Read more

Critically evaluate the development of substantive Human Rights and or protective of Human Rights with particular focus on the jurisprudence of one of the following.

International Human Right Law Critically evaluate the development of substantive Human Rights and or protective of Human Rights with particular focus on the jurisprudence of one of the following: 1 the European court of human Right 2 The united Nations Treaty Monitoring Bodies 3 The European court of Human Rights compared with the united nations … Read more

Locate and evaluate a news story related to issues involving employment law in Canada.

Business Law Locate and evaluate a news story related to issues involving employment law in Canada. 1. Write a 4 page paper outlining the following: Brief overview of the facts Explanation of the employment law issue, including the law, the position of the employer(s) and the position of the worker(s) Provide your own reasoned opinion … Read more