Cybersecurity Consultation:Explain your recommendation about whether to keep the current system or revert back to the older system.

Cybersecurity Consultation Explain your recommendation about whether to keep the current system or revert back to the older system. Describe at least one ethical and/or legal issue that the clinic must consider as a result of your recommendation. Describe at least one additional technique that the clinic can utilize to further protect itself against cyber … Read more

law: Set out in detail, using case law examples, the right and its scope that applies to cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment under the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR).

law Jane Smith in the UK asserts that she has been subjected to cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment by a public authority. Although she is angry about this, she is unsure of what action she might be able to take or what rights she may have. She has heard of judicial review but doesn’t want … Read more

Policy: relationships of trust between inmates and correctional officers are not uncommon. How could such a small violation of prison policy create any problems?

Prison policy Write a 1/2 to one page (150–275 words) response in which you answer the three questions that follow the case study below: As a female correctional officer, you have been working at the same women’s prison for fifteen years. The inmates call you Marge and respect you as being firm yet fair. You … Read more

Common Law and Adjudication: Examine what claim could be brought against the supplier (DCL) for the incorrectly supplied and installed insulation boards, what would have to be proved and what defences the supplier could advance to avoid liability.

Common Law and Adjudication Duckdown Contracting Ltd (‘DCL’) provides insulation material and fabrications for residential construction projects to ensure that the requirements under Part L2a Building Regulations are met, along with the expected forthcoming changes in 2022. On one project under way, Cotswolds Studios Ltd (‘CSL’) has started to install fabricated duck feather cavity wall … Read more

Scenario: Critically examine the law in relation to instantaneous communications in contract law; and Appraise with reasons whether a contract has been created.

Scenario: City Contractors Ltd (‘CCL’) closed down its Oldcastle trade counter and storage building in August 2021 due a big drop for building products in the area. Northern Builders plc (‘NBL’) sent an email to City Contractors Ltd on 2 September 2021 which said: “We would like to purchase all of the outstanding stock and … Read more

Common Law; Contracts, Tort and Adjudication: prepare, present and defend a case in relation to a professional practice scenario related to their area of study.

Common Law; Contracts, Tort and Adjudication1. Competently analyze legal problems into their components in order to advise clients. 2. Construct a logical legal argument in support of a point of view. 3. Prepare, present and defend a case in relation to a professional practice scenario related to their area of study.  

Read the following case then debate if Common carriers should or should not be able to limit their liability?

Carrier’s liability Read the following case then debate if Common carriers should or should not be able to limit their liability? Vanessa Denai owned forty acres of land in rural Louisiana. On the property were a 1,600-square-foot house and a metal barn. Denai met Lance Finney, who had been seeking a small plot of rural … Read more

International Commercial Arbitration: explain and critically assess the interaction among the following:the substantive/governing law of the contract, the seat and the lex arbitri or procedural law of the arbitration.

International Commercial Arbitration Explain and critically assess the interaction among the following:the substantive/governing law of the contract, the seat and the lex arbitri or procedural law of the arbitration. To what extent is the lex arbitri helpful in assisting the parties in devising their procedure for the arbitration and to what extent can it assist … Read more

Law School Admission: in no more than 250 words, write about an idea or issue from your academic, extracurricular, or professional work that is of particular interest to you.

Law School Admission •In no more than 250 words, write about an idea or issue from your academic, extracurricular, or professional work that is of particular interest to you. •The idea or issue you choose does not have to be law-related; this is simply another opportunity for faculty readers to learn more about how you … Read more

Demonstrate a  broad knowledge and general understanding of International Law rules.

International Law rules • Demonstrate a  broad knowledge and general understanding of International Law rules. • Demonstrating awareness and understanding of the specific issues raised by the presented question. • Collection, comparison and synthesizing relevant information from different sources. • Ability to critically analyze and apply research materials to the area under investigation • Presentation … Read more