Public Law : ‘The conventions concerning individual ministerial accountability, and collective Cabinet responsibility are not fit for purpose as mechanisms for regulating the conduct of government in the 21st Century.’Critically discuss this statement.

Public LawWord limit: 1,500 words. 1. ‘The conventions concerning individual ministerial accountability, and collective Cabinet responsibility are not fit for purpose as mechanisms for regulating the conduct of government in the 21st Century.’Critically discuss this statement. In answering this question, you may wish to discuss one or more ofthe following: the role which constitutional conventions … Read more

In a well-written informative essay of roughly 4 pages 900–1,000 words, provide an evaluation of the U.S. legal system today.

U.S. legal system In a well-written informative essay of roughly 4 pages 900–1,000 words, provide an evaluation of the U.S. legal system today. In your essay you should: (1) Incorporate at least two of the four major assumptions of law. (2) Describe at least two functions and two dysfunctions of law. (3) incorporate at least … Read more

Grant Proposal : Develop the remaining components, revise and finalize previously created components, and compile your final grant proposal.

Grant Proposal Develop the remaining components, revise and finalize previously created components, and compile your final grant proposal. Ensure that your grant proposal includes all of the components in the Grant Proposal Assignment Guide, as well as any additional components required by the application of the funding source you have selected. Note: Once compiled, your … Read more

Justice in the EU : Submit a portfolio of legal advice of three pieces on any way this decision can be overturned?

Justice in the EU. Question: ” I am afraid I have run into a bit of trouble with my business, however. As you know we’re big in the craft spirits business. Last Autumn, Edith and I took a long vacation in South America. While I was there, I learned about this amazing fruit that has … Read more

Contemporary Challenges : Identify and evaluate historical and contemporary issues and their impact on today’s global society.

Contemporary Challenges Identify and evaluate historical and contemporary issues and their impact on today’s global society. Apply appropriate collaborative working practices to manage conflict and support effective decision making. Implement Design Thinking techniques to investigate problems in order to generate and evaluate solutions.

Human/Sex trafficking :What emergency management principles were used to manage the incident? Was a whole community approach used?

Human/Sex trafficking. The paper will be a minimum of four (4) well-written pages formatted using APA standards. Students should use Times New Roman with 12-point sizing. Lines will be double spaced. Each paper will include a cover page and reference page. Select a significant incident that occurred within two years that was managed from onset … Read more

Employment law : In accordance to Bandit write your advice as to the legal framework applicable to the following situations which have arisen with his employees:

Employment law Bandit Heeler owns and operates a business manufacturing drainpipes, Drainpipes R Us (DRU). In accordance to Bandit write your advice as to the legal framework applicable to the following situations which have arisen with his employees: Bluey works for Bandit as a full-time travelling saleswoman. This role involves her travelling to different businesses … Read more

Current Event: Inmate Freed : Analyze the listed ideas and discuss their relation to the United States Legal System.

Current Event: Inmate Freed To complete this weekly assignment the student will read Current Event number 1 and offer a summary based on the following: 1. Analyze the listed ideas and discuss their relation to the United States Legal System. 2. Reflect on how this subject matter may relate to your life and the … Read more

Cybercrime : What are its main features, what crime is it aiming to prevent, how will it achieve its aims? Why is this app better than other approaches/responses that currently exist?

Cybercrime “You are a group of criminologists working for the Department of Justice. The Department of Justice is looking to develop a suite of crime prevention apps, and your group is designing a unique and cutting-edge app to pitch to the Department.” Your presentation should include: • An outline of your app – What are … Read more