Based on what you have read in the textbook, explain how all of these documents and the articles relate to the history of expansion, immigration, and economic development in Europe’s North American colonies during the 1600s and 1700s

Native Americans and European Colonists  Document1-Mittelberger Document2-Equiano Document3-Naranjo For Part 1 of the Unit 1 Exam, read the three documents attached above and the two articles linked below. Using the documents, the articles, and the textbook, write an essay answering the questions listed below. Grades will be based on the content of the answer and … Read more

Examine the term “Gentlemen’s History”: How has “Gentlemen’s History” affected our understanding of the key events surrounding, and our conceptions of the career of Julius Caesar, and about his allies, and his adversaries?

Gentlemen and History. 1. Examine the term “Gentlemen’s History”: How has “Gentlemen’s History” affected our understanding of the key events surrounding, and our conceptions of the career of Julius Caesar, and about his allies, and his adversaries? In this vein, examine Dr.Parenti’s own treatment of Cicero as an example illustrating all aspects of Gentlemen’s History … Read more

Analyze the Declaration of Independence and examine the connection between the Enlightenment ideals of freedom and equality with those stated in the document.

Independence. Analyze the Declaration of Independence and examine the connection between the Enlightenment ideals of freedom and equality with those stated in the document . Do you believe the country upheld these ideals when this document was written? Why or why not? Are they upheld today? Does the government bear the responsibility of carrying out … Read more

How do these compare to the virtue ethics of Plato, Aristotle, and Confucius?

Mesopotamia, Egypt and India The Laws of Social Order Across Culture and Time. In 5-6 double spaced pages (APA format), discuss the following: In Mesopotamia, Egypt and India we see examples of the earliest formulations of law aimed at establishing and reinforcing social order. Choose a few elements of comparison and contrast from the Babylonian … Read more

Is there still cannibalism in Papua New Guinea? How do Papua New Guineans live? What is it like in this mysterious nation?

Mystic Papua New Guinea Dive deep into the unexplored, mystic Papua New Guinea. Witness tribal rituals all the way from notorious highlands to isolated atolls in the Pacific Ocean. Learn about the thoughts and lives of Papua New Guineans, and find yourself admiring beautiful landscapes the nation holds within. Is there still cannibalism in Papua … Read more

Who ruled Huron societies? How and why was that person chosen to be leader?

Huron societies 1) Who ruled Huron societies? How and why was that person chosen to be leader? 2) What roles did men have in Huron society? What roles did women have? 3) One historian has called Huron society a female dominated society. Do you agree, did the women have the power? Why or why not? … Read more

Gun control : Discuss the topic and detail how the topic applies to the student as an individual or to state or nation as a whole. Discuss why the topic is newsworthy. Give your opinions and discuss why you have those opinions

Gun control Discuss the topic and detail how the topic applies to the student as an individual or to state or nation as a whole. Discuss why the topic is newsworthy. Give your opinions and discuss why you have those opinions