Compose a two-paragraph essay in which you discuss the two most important lessons, you believe readers should take away from this book.

In the memoir, A Long Way Gone, Ishmael Beah takes the reader through a journey about the aftermath of decolonization in his country. What does his personal story teach us about the history and future of Sierra Leone? Compose a two-paragraph essay in which you discuss the two most important lessons, you believe readers should … Read more

What exactly did the Romans achieve in each area and how does it exemplify Western Civilization.

Romans– Western History Romans-– It has been said of the Romans that three of their major contributions to Western civilization were in the areas of law, engineering, and the Christian religion. What exactly did the Romans achieve in each area and how does it exemplify Western Civilization. Use Chicago or MLA citation format—See the Mary … Read more

Discuss how hierarchy is represented in that artwork and  what the representation does to enhance its meaning.

Mesopotamian Art We have learned about hierarchical representation in many of the artworks explored in this Lesson. Select one work of Mesopotamian art (other than the Standard of Ur, which is the focus of the Assignment) and Discuss how hierarchy is represented in that artwork and what the representation does to enhance its meaning. The minimum word … Read more

Identify and describe at least four major events in the Civil Rights movement the occurred in the 1960s and 1970s, involving African Americans, women, and the gay community.

Information from America a narrative history by David Emory Shi., online lecture notes, and at least THREE substantive online web sources of your choice (may use more). Identify and describe at least four major events in the Civil Rights movement the occurred in the 1960s and 1970s, involving African Americans, women, and the gay community. … Read more

Choose three new technological systems developed in this period. Explain how these improved living standards, quality of life, and workplace productivity.

Technological advances made between 1870 and 1940 dramatically improved living standards, quality of life, and workplace productivity. Some historians and economists have argued that we are unlikely to see such dramatic improvements in the future. Choose three new technological systems developed in this period. Explain how these improved living standards, quality of life, and workplace … Read more

Explain the arguments European elites gave for their imperial projects at the end of the nineteenth century.

For this essay, you will draw on the primary source documents linked below, especially the section entitled “Motives and Attitudes,” to explain the arguments European elites gave for their imperial projects at the end of the nineteenth century. Use a close reading of the online textbook to provide historical context for your argument. Your essay … Read more

What are Eugene Debs’ reasons for opposing World War I? What does he say in his defense in his “Statement to the Court.

In “Two Antiwar Speeches by Eugene Debs,” What are Eugene Debs’ reasons for opposing World War I? What does he say in his defense in his “Statement to the Court”? Does he renounce his opposition to the war, or does he defend his opposition to the war? Provide examples from the speeches to illustrate your … Read more

What were the promises and realities of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo? Explain the promises of the Treaty and describe the realities of the Mexican American experience following 1848.

According to the film, what were the promises and realities of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo? Explain the promises of the Treaty and describe the realities of the Mexican American experience following 1848. This is where you need to focus your written work to show me you understand the promises and realities of the Treaty … Read more

What is the illustrator attempting to say about slavery? Is this cartoon a factual and accurate description of slavery?

Essays should range in the 350 to 500 word length. They should have three to five paragraphs with an introduction and thesis, a body of evidence that proves the thesis, and a conclusion. Review the rubric for guidance on this essay. Always cite your sources, both in your essay and in a bibliography at the … Read more