How have grassroots activists sought to improve American society? What strategies have been most or least effective?

Write one 5-7 page essay, choosing one of the five questions below. Pages refer to typed, double-spaced pages (about 300 words per page). How effective has government been in helping Americans obtain the “good life”? How have grassroots activists sought to improve American society? What strategies have been most or least effective? Have Americans found … Read more

What factors have influenced various depictions of Batman over the years, and what does this character’s evolution suggest about life in modern America?

Batman Answers the following prompt: What factors have influenced various depictions of Batman over the years, and what does this character’s evolution suggest about life in modern America? For this essay,  consider the following to help: – Historical, political, and/or economic forces that have shaped depictions of Batman – Batman’s reliance on (and relationship to) … Read more

World History : Compare and contrast the society and culture of the Islamic Civilization and Christian Civilization (“Christendom”) during the period of time Strayer calls the “Third Wave” of civilization, and what is also sometimes called the “Middle Ages”

World History You just have to answer these questions below, 500-800 words each, and also I included how it will be graded 1. For the period 600 BCE to 1200 CE, compare and contrast the societies of Africa with the societies of the Americas. (This can be done by selecting several points of comparison, and … Read more

What authority does the president have in creating foreign policy? Has it shifted over time?

A common belief among academics is that foreign affairs and national defense issues have very little impact on presidential campaigns (Aldrich, et al 1989). One theory is that voters are more concerned about domestic issues – their own economic concerns, for example. Another theory (Aldrich, et al 1989) is that there is very little difference … Read more

History: Write an essay on one of the topics below.

History Write an essay on one of the topics below. It should be about 2000 words (approximately 7-8 double spaced pages). Topic 1: Canada and Indigenous People Binnema, Theodore and Melanie Niemi. “Let the Line Be Drawn Now: Wilderness, Conservation, and the Exclusion of Aboriginal People from Banff National Park in Canada,” Environmental History 11 … Read more