How does Procopius portray Belisarius, Justinian, and the empress Theodora in this posthumous historical account and why does he do so? Can the Justinian of this secret historical work be reconciled with the praiseworthy emperor of earlier works? Why did Procopius write The Secret History? Discuss, analyze, and explain.

Procopius of Caesarea Procopius of Caesarea was a well-educated lawyer, a highly-placed government official, and a remarkable historian of the sixth-century Byzantine/Eastern Roman Empire. He served for years as the secretary of Flavius Belisarius, Justinian’s top general, and was in a position to observe both men personally. During his lifetime, Procopius produced several major works … Read more

Much of the story hinges upon control and power over another human being. Discuss how the most powerless figure in Edenton, North Carolina, could become one of the most powerful.

Harriet and Jacobs Paper. Write a three to five page, double-spaced essay (1 inch margins, 12 point font style) on one of the issues below. 1. “He that is willing to be a slave, let him be a slave.” (32) How is Harriet’s life the antithesis of this ? 2. In your opinion which is … Read more

How should developers approach creating a game set during a historical period/event?To what degree is historical accuracy important and/or achievable?

Video games and history Answer the following questions. Each answer should be 500-1000 words. 1.Video games provide only an entertaining experience to gamers. Do you agree? (disagree with this and discuss games as educational, therapeutic etc) 2. How should developers approach creating a game set during a historical period/event?To what degree is historical accuracy important … Read more

The Tumultuous 1960s and Early 1970s : Explain an example from one of the assigned primary sources that demonstrates the nation’s focus on poverty during the 1960s.

The Tumultuous 1960s and Early 1970s 1. Explain an example from one of the assigned primary sources that demonstrates the nation’s focus on poverty during the 1960s. 2. Explain an example from one of the assigned primary sources that demonstrates the perspectives/goals of the feminist movement during the 1960s. 3. Explain an example from one … Read more

Describe an issue a city might face where the racial/ethnic composition of the city council might matter in resolving that issue.

Texas Government. You should use New Courier or Times New Roman, 12 point font, double-spacing, and one-inch margins on all four sides of the paper. The assignment is to be formatted according to the Modern Language Association (MLA) style which includes a works cited page but does NOT include a title page. According to “Who … Read more

In a well-organized essay of five to six pages, discuss the collapse of the Roman Empire.

Roman Empire. In a well-organized essay of five to six pages, discuss the collapse of the Roman Empire.  In your essay, please discuss the role each of the following played in the empire’s collapse: Barbarian invasions Socio-economic and political influence of the Roman army internal structural difficulties, i.e., the imperial government, the cost of administration, … Read more

Write a 500 word review of one room or gallery in the British Museum, London, for the Centre for Cultural Heritage and Environment website.

Museum Critical Review Write a 500 word review of one room or gallery in the British Museum, London, for the Centre for Cultural Heritage and Environment website. Length: 500 words. Refer to the word limit penalties in the AHIS / AHIX 1250 Unit Guide.

How does each amendment in the Bill of Rights reflect an abuse of power Americans experienced leading up the Revolution?

Bill of Rights How does each amendment in the Bill of Rights reflect an abuse of power Americans experienced leading up the Revolution? 5 to 7 pages of your own textual writing, double-spaced, single-sided, and typed with 1” margins and font size of 10-12 pts only—5 pages means written from top to bottom of ALL … Read more