Compare and contrast the Blitz with your chosen bombing campaign of World War 2.

World War 2· Write a response to ONE of the essay questions below.· In your response, consider the Blitz and your chosen bombing campaign.· Your answer might address: o civilian targetso military targetso strategic aims and tacticso ethical dimensionso perspectives 1. Compare and contrast the Blitz with your chosen bombing campaign of World War 2. … Read more

Which of the following issues do you feel were most central to provoking civil war: the debate over slavery, the debate over states’ rights, or the growing economic and social differences between North and South? Defend your position by discussing specific events from the 1850s.

Civil war Which of the following issues do you feel were most central to provoking civil war: the debate over slavery, the debate over states’ rights, or the growing economic and social differences between North and South? Defend your position by discussing specific events from the 1850s.

Describe and analyze the complete development, classic operation, and reinvention of the global corporate entities which produce and distribute most of the films we watch.

The Studio System The Studio System Key point about the studio system could be: Despite being one of the biggest industries in the United States, indeed the World, the internal workings of the ‘dream factory’ that is Hollywood is little understood outside the business. Describe and analyze the complete development, classic operation, and reinvention of … Read more

Explain how the Plessy v Ferguson influenced segregation in the south and to shine light on the arguments used by the plaintiff in the case explaining that the “separate but equal” act was unconstitutional.

Plessy v Ferguson: Perpetuating Segragation. Explain how the Plessy v Ferguson influenced segregation in the south and to shine light on the arguments used by the plaintiff in the case explaining that the “separate but equal” act was unconstitutional. Total of 6 pages and a minimum of 1 primary source.

Russia and Ukrainian conflict : Describe the event in detail. Explain what is happening, who is involved and where it is taking place.

Russia and Ukrainian conflict. Describe the event in detail. Explain what is happening, who is involved and where it is taking place. Describe the history of this event. What caused it? What are its roots? Why is it still ongoing? How has the current event changed or evolved from what originally started it? Evaluate the … Read more