Write an essay about the start of slavery of African-Americans in America.

Slavery Write an essay about the start of slavery of African-Americans in America. The middle of the essay should be a bunch of things about slavery that have happened in the last 75 years, and then an ending about how slavery has changed compared to how it started. Essay should have 3 sources .

Choose at least three social problems or domestic issues today that have the largest impact on society.Explain and support your answer with current issues .

Social Issues In Modern Society. Choose at least three social problems or domestic issues today that have the largest impact on society.Explain and support your answer with current issues . The paper should contain three detailed paragraphs, one for each problem or issue.

How does Collingwood define ‘historical knowledge’ and ‘historical inference’, and how does ‘historical inference’ differ from methods of reasoning in the ‘exact sciences’?

Collingwood According to Collingwood, what makes History a ‘science,’ but how does it differ in its methods from those of the ‘exact sciences’? How does Collingwood define ‘historical knowledge’ and ‘historical inference’, and how does ‘historical inference’ differ from methods of reasoning in the ‘exact sciences’? What are Collingwood’s criticisms of ‘scissors-and-paste history’, and what … Read more

It is 1834 and, as a single woman of 18, you have decided to work for one year in the textile mills at Lowell, Massachusetts. Write a letter home to your parents explaining your decision, your working and living conditions, and your plans for the future.

New England Mill Girls. At least 3 paragraphs It is 1834 and, as a single woman of 18, you have decided to work for one year in the textile mills at Lowell, Massachusetts. Write a letter home to your parents explaining your decision, your working and living conditions, and your plans for the future. Utilize … Read more

Read the Letters of Seneca / the epistles and identify three letters that speak to you, personally. In your reflection, explain what Seneca is saying and why the letter could just have easily been written to you.

Letters of Seneca / the epistles Read the Letters of Seneca / the epistles and identify three letters that speak to you, personally. In your reflection, explain what Seneca is saying and why the letter could just have easily been written to you. This essay will total no less than 600 words.

Does Abraham Lincoln deserve the accolade of The Great Emancipator? Say why/why not.

Lincoln The Great Emancipator. Your job is to be the historian, take a stance on the issue, and use historical evidence from your notes, the textbook, and the primary sourcebook This Fiery Trial to substantiate your argument. You will not be graded on your point of view; but rather, you will be graded on how … Read more

Why do you think the United States got involved in the distant war between Iraq and Kuwait? Do you think President Bush was right to step in?

International disputes or issues Answer the following four questions after reading the passage included. Here is the link : https://app.discoveryeducation.com/learn/techbook/units/ccf3149c 1413-4866-9d3d-8d84c964177f/concepts/671eb380 d7ca-4f31-8464-0e807838f52f -ONLY use the first original page, and answer each question with 5-7 sentences. 1. Why do you think the United States got involved in the distant war between Iraq and Kuwait? Do you … Read more

Write a 5-6 page paper analyzing a commander’s performance from the selected historical or fictional battle.

Mission Command Battle of La Drang. Write a 5-6 page paper analyzing a commander’s performance from the selected historical or fictional battle. Write on Lieutenant Colonel Harold G. Moore’s ability to use the 7 principles of Mission Command during the battle.

What did you learn about the relationship between early democracy and violence in early American republic? When did different groups of Americans think violence was justified and why?

Early democracy and violence What did you learn about the relationship between early democracy and violence in early American republic? When did different groups of Americans think violence was justified and why? Provide specific evidence from the readings for your answers; Cite your evidence using Chicago Style. Be double spaced, with standard margins and font … Read more