Describe how research and best-practices contribute to the implementation of EBM.

EBM Describe how research and best-practices contribute to the implementation of EBM. Using a real or hypothetical healthcare organization, provide examples of when EBM may be successfully adopted in your organization or critique the organization for the lack of EBM being exhibited. Provide a minimum of 2 supporting research articles cited in the body of … Read more

What trends or threats are or will impact the financial environment of healthcare organizations?How can we best prepare for the impending trends if they are continuously changing?

Trends In Financial Environments. What trends or threats are or will impact the financial environment of healthcare organizations? How can we best prepare for the impending trends if they are continuously changing? Identify the pertinent changes that you might experience. What plan would you propose to address the changes?

Pharmacology drug cards : How should a patient take medication?Are there dosage adjustments in kidney or liver disease?

Pharmacology drug cards. Drug Card (Bisphosphonates) 1) Explain the  Pharmacology drug cards Mechanism of action 2)List the Common names and dosages used in adults 3) How should a patient take medication? 4) Are there dosage adjustments in kidney or liver disease? 5) Bisphosphonates are used in what disease state(s)? 6) What, if any, labs would … Read more

Using the AVERAGE formula, calculate the average obesity rate and average median household income across the United States.

Exel Data Review the menu: Alignment, Number, Cells, and Editing Tabs. Format the spreadsheet by using the Bold function to darken the variable names at the top. Also, fit the variable names into the columns. Provide the name “States” to your Sheet at the bottom left corner. State the cell range of this dataset. What … Read more

Influence Processes : write an article about CEOs and presidents for a management journal.

Influence Processes You have been encouraged by a colleague to write an article about CEOs and presidents for a management journal. You have decided to compare the leadership styles of three leaders. Using the Library, the Internet, and your course materials, write a 8-10 page report that elaborates on the following: In your article, provide … Read more

Discuss your chosen groups’ challenges to achieving health equity at organizational, community and societal levels.

Global Public Health. Choose a cultural group from outside the United States and research their health disparities, behaviors, and beliefs: Focusing on your chosen group, explain the structural bias, social inequities, and racism as social determinants of their health. Discuss your chosen groups’ challenges to achieving health equity at organizational, community and societal levels. Utilize … Read more

Interpretations : Which County data would you consider the most reliable? Why? What about the least reliable data, and why?

Interpretations Using the lists below, write 1-2 pages interpreting the data. In your interpretation, answer the following questions: Which County data would you consider the most reliable? Why? What about the least reliable data, and why? Which County needs the most preventative intervention as it pertains to cancer incidence rates? Why? What additional information or … Read more

Discuss, from a personal perspective, the significance of oxygen delivery and mechanical ventilation.

Noninvasive ventilation Noninvasive ventilation (NIV) refers to positive pressure ventilation delivered through a noninvasive interface (nasal mask, facemask, or nasal plugs), rather than an invasive interface (endotracheal tube, tracheostomy). Its use has become more common as its benefits are increasingly recognized. Selecting patients for NIV requires careful consideration of its indications and contraindications. Discuss, from … Read more

Describe the current international human rights law framework applicable to women’s human rights.

Women’s Rights Conduct your own research on women’s human rights in international human rights law, focusing on the following three issues. 1. Describe the current international human rights law framework applicable to women’s human rights. 2. Identify and explain the current issues, controversies and emerging challenges in the field of women’s human rights. 3. Analyze … Read more