Discuss how discriminatory behaviors, occurring recently or in the past, and/or either acted upon intentionally or from lack of knowledge, affect the health care outcomes for said group?

Discriminatory behaviors Examine a group based on either; age, education level, socioeconomics, gender, ethnicity, language. Discuss how discriminatory behaviors, occurring recently or in the past, and/or either acted upon intentionally or from lack of knowledge, affect the health care outcomes for said group? Requirements: APA format (more than 1-citation). One paragraph per answer is minimum … Read more

Select 2 of the 6 introduced and research the assessment tool. Identify how the selected tools are of value and a challenge in the health care industry, inclusive of public health where applicable.

Health Communication. Select 2 of the 6 introduced and research the assessment tool. Identify how the selected tools are of value and a challenge in the health care industry, inclusive of public health where applicable.

Creates a system of checks and balances and forces federal, state and private organizations to coordinate their input into the regulatory system. Do you believe this ultimately results in a benefit to the patient/client? Support your conclusion with examples.

Regulatory Systems Paper. Why is Health care regulation so complex?Suggest the complexity of health care regulation. Creates a system of checks and balances and forces federal, state and private organizations to coordinate their input into the regulatory system. Do you believe this ultimately results in a benefit to the patient/client? Support your conclusion with examples.

What modifications would you have to make in your home and work environments to maintain your independence?

Healthcare Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words: What are the impacts on your life if you could not walk more than a distance of 50 feet? What modifications would you have to make in your home and work environments to maintain your independence? What would happen if you were unable to … Read more

What is telemedicine? Telehealth? How would a health IT navigator assist with a patient?

Navigating the US Healthcare System by Nancy Niles  What is telemedicine? Telehealth? How would a health IT navigator assist with a patient? In your response, define and discuss the legal and ethical foundations related to navigating patient healthcare. Need for APA sources.

What does it mean to think critically? What are the various dimensions of critical thinking?

Critical thinking. • What does it mean to think critically? What are the various dimensions of critical thinking? •How do we assess the quality of critical thinking? Analyze one of the critical thinking dimensions. •How does critical thinking apply to leaders,managers and organizations? (500-1000 words) in length.

Describe three different cultural competence frameworks: the National Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services (CLAS) standards, the Kleinman-Benson person-centered approach, and a framework specific to this text.

  cultural competence Please read and watch the following: Kleinman A, Benson P (2006) Anthropology in the Clinic: The Problem of Cultural Competency and How to Fix It. PLOS Medicine 3(10): e294. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pmed.0030294 Describe three different cultural competence frameworks: the National Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services (CLAS) standards, the Kleinman-Benson person-centered approach, and a framework … Read more

Describe some ways in which the US could adapt changes to its healthcare system based on other systems to reduce health disparities.

Healthcare system Watch the PBS video comparing the US healthcare system to other systems worldwide. Describe some ways in which the US could adapt changes to its healthcare system based on other systems to reduce health disparities. Cite at least 3 sources.

What are some critical aspects of retirement that are applicable?What do you project their longevity to be?If they were a couple in your community, what living options would you recommend for them?

Adult Life Transitions. Read the following vignette. Mr. and Mrs. DeGuzman have been married for 54 years. He was recently in a car accident where he hit a parked vehicle. His health was already compromised, and with this recent event, he is now admitted to a hospital and needs a breathing machine. His wife and … Read more