Critically review appropriate literature and relate it to the research area.Demonstrate a critical understanding of the method used in your research.

Research proposal for ODP students Critically review appropriate literature and relate it to the research area. Demonstrate a critical understanding of the method used in your research. Write a fully referenced research report in a style suitable for publication. Referencing style Your article should be fully referenced using APA 7th referencing style.

Why is it important to access the community needs when planning a new facility, renovation, or begin offering a new healthcare service?

Healthcare Facility Design Write a 175- to 265-word response to the following: Why is it important to access the community needs when planning a new facility, renovation, or begin offering a new healthcare service? How would the leadership of the healthcare organization know what the community needs?

Health care organization : Create a 10-12 slide PowerPoint presentation with notes on the following:

  Health care organization Create a 10-12 slide PowerPoint presentation with notes on the following: Run a Google search of any health care organization and use Figure 5-1 and Chapter 5 to analyze that company. In the organizational analysis section of the SWOT analysis, focus on Strengths, Weaknesses, Organizational Volume, Forecast, Financial Condition, and Strategic … Read more

Select a major event in the second half of American history, describe the event, its outcome, and explain why it is significant in the course of American history.

The Battle of Chancellorsville AMERICAN HISTORY VOL II is the book, and it has to be one of the sources. Select a major event in the second half of American history, describe the event, its outcome, and explain why it is significant in the course of American history.

Write a research paper with five references from recent refereed journals on Periodontal disease and its relationship to Cadiovasular disease.

Periodontal Disease and its relationship to Cadiovasular Disease. Write a research paper with five references from recent refereed journals on Periodontal Disease and its relationship to Cadiovasular Disease. It should be 5 pages, typed, double-spaced, with 1” margins. Follow APA guidelines for citation and references, and proofread papers.

Develop a PowerPoint on Alcoholic use disorder to cover the following.

A public health condition and how it effects the health and social care sector Develop a PowerPoint on Alcoholic use disorder to cover the following; • How alcohol effects the function of the brain and body. • What is alcohol use disorder and how is it a disease. • How to identify someone that suffers … Read more

Project : Provide in lay person’s language an overview of the project focusing on your methodology and including information on what data/samples will be taken, how data collection will occur and what participants will be asked to do.

Project Provide in lay person’s language an overview of the project focusing on your methodology and including information on what data/samples will be taken, how data collection will occur and what  participants will be asked to do. This should include a justification for the methods chosen. 500 words max

Health and Social Care : Develop an academic poster and present key information future role your profession.

Health and Social Care Develop an academic poster and present key information future role your profession. Poster is to be Al size and is to be submitted digitally via Turnitln. Word count equivalent is 1000 words. Recommended fonts for the bulk of the presentation are — CALIBRI, ARIAL OR TIMES NEW ROMAN. Your poster must … Read more

Discuss if you agree or disagree with the survey’s results and overall category in which you were placed. Do you agree with this finding? Why, or why not?

Risk What’s Your Risk Type? Let’s say that you’re not a broke collage graduate student (sigh…), and that you happen to have $15,000 just hanging around, burning a hole in your pocket. So yes, very hypothetical here! Are you risk adverse, or risk seeking? What do you think? To answer this question, please download and … Read more