Discuss your motivation to pursue the profession of nursing and why you have chosen the Clinical Nurse Leader option for your nursing education.

Clinical leadership Discuss your motivation to pursue the profession of nursing and why you have chosen the Clinical Nurse Leader option for your nursing education. Identify at least one important role of the Clinical Nurse Leader that you find interesting or compelling and provide examples of how you see yourself practicing as a Clinical Nurse … Read more

Click on one of the articles. Analyze pay for performance quality and incentives in hospitals, nursing homes, or provider offices and describe the performance standards and scoring methods.

Pay for Performance Quality and Incentives Go to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services website (CMS.gov (Links to an external site.). Click on one of the articles. Analyze pay for performance quality and incentives in hospitals, nursing homes, or provider offices and describe the performance standards and scoring methods. Should be 750 words, double-spaced, … Read more

Based on your review, do the goals and strategies of this Action Plan hold promise to reduce racial and ethnic health disparities? Why or why not?

ACTION PLAN Review exhibit 2 (p. 1824) of “Reducing Racial and Ethnic Disparities: The Action Plan from the Department of Health and Human Services.” and CITE Based on your review, do the goals and strategies of this Action Plan hold promise to reduce racial and ethnic health disparities? Why or why not? Should be at … Read more

Which of the medical liability reform approaches described in Tables 2 and 3 of Kachalia and Mello (2011) do you favor?Why?

Medical liability reform approach Reform and improvement of the U.S. medical liability system is a prevalent issue on the national health policy agenda (Kachalia and Mello, 2011). Kachalia, A. and Mello, M. M. (2011). New directions in medical liability reform. New England Journal of Medicine, 364(16), 1564-1572. Which of the medical liability reform approaches described … Read more

Should patient advocates or community members be included on ethics committees? Why?

Ethics Committees. Should patient advocates or community members be included on ethics committees? Why? INCLUDE EXAMPLES EXAMPLES APA FORMAT At least one (1) RECENT peer reviewed journal article or report reference and at least one (1) other reference in addition to the text below. For a total of at least three (3) references

How would you determine team composition in a multinational team?

Global economy. Remaining competitive in a global economy frequently means moving from a national to a transnational organization. Developing teams that cross national boundaries is becoming a strategic business need. Address the issues associated with having a transnational team with members who reside in multiple countries. Respond to the following questions: How would you determine … Read more

In a two-page paper, identify the physics principles contained within the following scenario. Explain how these principles connect to Einstein’s theory of relativity or in modern applications in physics.

Physics principles In a two-page paper, identify the physics principles contained within the following scenario. Explain how these principles connect to Einstein’s theory of relativity or in modern applications in physics. If you use a GPS option on your car or a mobile device, you are using Einstein’s theory of relativity. Provide another example from … Read more