Protecting a species:Evaluate the effectiveness of actions and initiatives to alleviate negative impacts on ecosystems.

Protecting a species Assess the impact of human activity on ecosystems. Evaluate the effectiveness of actions and initiatives to alleviate negative impacts on ecosystems. Investigate how human activity impacts ecosystems and explain how this affects the sustainability of these ecosystems. Use scientific terms to explain how ecosystems require balance and how human activity can change … Read more

Mother cow-What insights does Harris provide when he argues against the Western narrative of “Sacred Cows”?

What is the role of economics in the 19th, 20th, and 21st centuries in creating and maintaining the ecological crisis presented below? Should everything on the planet be considered an economic resource, or is there a better way to think about things such as clean air and clean water? How is the loss of biodiversity … Read more

What is meant by a ‘nature-based solution’ to coastal flood and erosion protection?

What is meant by a ‘nature-based solution’ to coastal flood and erosion protection?’. This should be no more than 250 words. The second part you answer one question of 7, you have to answer q5 What is meant by ‘managed realignment’? only. this 2nd part is for a presentation so you do not need references. … Read more