What are/is a key issue(s) that are unique to this region?

5:01 im l

Description X

R._ . h. I have re-posted a short
version of the instructions for the response paper but please
look at the fuller set of instructions at the top of our E-learn
For your 3rd Response Paper, you are to choose ONE region
– either British Columbia OR the Arctic North
Using the response paper format, please summarize and
respond to the following:
What are/is a key issue(s) that are unique to this region?
You must incorporate aspects of both human and physical
geography in your response paper. Some examples might
include population, sovereignty, the environment, natural
resource management, economy, climate change…and so
For the region that you choose you are to use one CBC GEM
series, and two other assigned sources from the course
(video, reading…)
IMPORTANT: at the end of your paper you MUST provide (in
APA reference format) your 3 sources – so that I can clearly
see what you have used..