What factor or factors seem to be perpetuating the environmental injustice?

What would you propose as a fair solution to the conflict if you were in a position of power GEO 1330 environmental science Pick a conflict in the United States that interests you, read the complete entry on the conflict, and consult some of the linked resources. (Note that entries vary in how much information … Read more

Is there a relationship between socioeconomics and and available data?

One paragraph Write One paragraph explaining limitations of the Tampa Bay Tree Inventory with respect to its spatial extent. For example, which neighborhoods have data? Which do not? Could the data be used to analyze environmental justice issues related to urban trees? Why or why not? What are the limitations? Is there a relationship between … Read more

Show a paleogeographic map of the time period your fossil lived and where it was located.

Presentation on the sauropod dinosaur fossil Construct a presentation on your favorite fossil using the following as an outline: Show pictures of your fossils and state why you chose that fossil. What is its scientific name? i. Genus and species ii. What does that name mean (breakdown the Latin or Greek)? What is its colloquial … Read more

Is the concept of American Exceptionalism toxic or productive? What does or does not make the U.S. inherently different from the rest of the world? Is it important or necessary to be exceptional in the eyes of the world?

American Exceptionalism. Watch the video links provided below. The concept of American Exceptionalism has been floating around for generations in the U.S. then and even now. Is the concept of American Exceptionalism toxic or productive? What does or does not make the U.S. inherently different from the rest of the world? Is it important or … Read more

Discuss some of the similarities and differences between Canada and the U.S. In what ways can you think of in which you prefer some aspects of Canadian lifestyle to be implemented into U.S. society? Or, if you have no preferences, state why?

Canada and the U.S Discuss some of the similarities and differences between Canada and the U.S. In what ways can you think of in which you prefer some aspects of Canadian lifestyle to be implemented into U.S. society? Or, if you have no preferences, state why? Anything to be hopeful about regarding the relationship between … Read more

Even though we as humans live in a complex world with various urgencies, why do you believe it is important to continue to cultural expressions like customary celebrations and festivals?

Global Festivals. Watch the video links below and read the article. Even though we as humans live in a complex world with various urgencies, why do you believe it is important to continue to cultural expressions like customary celebrations and festivals? What did you learn or stood out to you when learning about these celebrations … Read more

How did the use of technology, like social media, help influence the diffusion (spread) of Tunisia’s Arab Spring?

Technology Watch the videos attached below. How did the use of technology, like social media, help influence the diffusion (spread) of Tunisia’s Arab Spring? Years later, what has been some of the positive & negative aspects of this revolution that started in Tunisia & eventually had spread across the Middle East?

Choose an infrastructure project , give a description of its purpose and the actors behind its emergence, then give an analysis of the project using our analytics and methods of analysis.

Infrastructure project. Choose an infrastructure project , give a description of its purpose and the actors behind its emergence, then give an analysis of the project using our analytics and methods of analysis. The paper should be 4-5 pages long ,double-spaced, 12pt Times New Roman font, 1” margins.

Geospatial Intelligence : How do you personally feel about the concept of “social justice issues” and about the reading “In the Wake of the Storm”?

Geospatial Intelligence How do you personally feel about the concept of “social justice issues” and about the reading “In the Wake of the Storm”? Do geospatial analysts have any responsibility to consider social justice or is the instructor a bleeding-heart, liberal academic? In two short paragraphs, criticize and then defend the idea that GIS&T should … Read more