Prepare the booking entries of the year 2021 and, if any, indicate your assumptions for each entry. (12 Points).

INTENDED LEARNING OUTCOMES (ILOs) TESTED BY THE EXAM Select the appropriate IFRS to be used for the recognition, measurement and disclosure of key accounting transactions and events in IFRS annual and consolidated financial statements. Assess the path of recent developments in the construction of such standards, Evaluate the application of IFRS to a variety of … Read more

Compare and contrast the following two methods for determining the cost of a product or service: i) absorption costing and ii) activity-based costing.

Compare and contrast the following two methods for determining the cost of a product or service: i) absorption costing and ii) activity-based costing. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the two costing approaches discussed in the first part of this question? (50% of the marks for question 1). In answering, please ensure that you … Read more

Perform critical thinking, by addressing specific financial trends and industry comparisons for a company of your choice.

This project allows you the opportunity to perform critical thinking, by addressing specific financial trends and industry comparisons for a company of your choice. This project will be a comparison/contrast paper that shows a demonstration of the application of financial analysis and critical thinking in a large organization. You will be performing trend analysis and … Read more

Discuss the accept/reject decision process of the Hotels RUS capital budgeting analyst in terms of both risk and return of these projects (A, B and C).

The cost of capital reflects the cost of financing new projects/investments for a company. Currently the cost of capital for an average company in the Hotel/Gaming industry is about 6.1%. In other words, for an average company in the hotel/gaming industry about $6.10 of every $100 raised through all sources of financing goes to pay … Read more

Describe the two types of risks that changes in interest rates can lead to for a bank. Use examples to illustrate.

Choose three (3) of the following questions (questions are 13 points each). Please show all your calculations for the Problems. 1. Find and post below the following three charts: The most recent (any day the week of 4/5/2021) and the 1-Year Ago Treasury Yield Curve; The 10-Year Breakeven Inflation Rate (from April 1, 2020 to … Read more

Construct the cash flow identity for the company. Explain what each number means.

What is the cash flow to creditors? LO 4 22. Cash Flow Identity Graffiti Advertising, Inc., reported the following financial statements for the last two years. Construct the cash flow identity for the company. Explain what each number means. 2019 Income Statement Sales $750,727 Cost of goods sold 430,821 Selling and administrative 165,676 Depreciation 72,489 … Read more

What is the sustainable growth rate for the company? If it does grow at this rate, how much new borrowing will take place in the coming year, assuming a constant debt-equity ratio?

LO 343. Sustainable Growth and Outside Financing You’ve collected the following information about Gandalf, Inc.: Sales = $295.000 Net income = $18,400 Dividends = $9,100 Total debt = $68,000 Total equity = $94,000 What is the sustainable growth rate for the company? If it does grow at this rate, how much new borrowing will take … Read more

What is government financial condition? What is the major source for information about financial condition?

What is covered in the three paragraphs of the typical audit opinion letter? Why? What is government financial condition? What is the major source for information about financial condition? What are the major classes of ratio analysis? What can we learn from each class? What types of comparisons should be made with ratios? What are … Read more

Is the information on the balance sheet, activity statement, and cash flow statement independent of one another or connected? Explain.

Is the information on the balance sheet, activity statement, and cash flow statement independent of one another or connected? Explain. Do you think that a not-for-profit organization’s board can release the restrictions on money in a strike fund and use it for general operations? Does it matter whether we are talking about a strike fund … Read more

Explain the difference between the line-item and program budget and why Mary wants the latter.

The Museum of New Art traditionally offers a new exhibit each month, in addition to its permanent collection. Mary Moser, the new museum director, has found that the number of exhibits must be reduced because of financial constraints. The museum has always used a line-item budget, but Mary has asked for a program budget for … Read more