Financial sustainability: evaluate the potential impact of your business on different types of stakeholders.

Financial sustainability Develop a business plan for a social enterprise. Produce a PowerPoint presentation of maximum 8 slides outlining the following: 1. Clear and concise presentation of the social problem (justifying the need for a social enterprise). 2. Clear presentation of your business idea, social purpose, business model and description of product(s)/service(s). 3. Present potential … Read more

Financial investment analysis: identify two companies in one industry that perform well under COVID-19 investment environment.

Financial investment analysis Identify two companies in one industry that perform well under COVID-19 investment environment. In your report, please include the following: Identify two or three good performance companies and justify the investment motivation for the industry and the companies (suggested words: 200 words) Through research and review, identify key factors that could affect … Read more

Financial sustainability: develop a business plan for a social enterprise.

Financial sustainability Develop a business plan for a social enterprise. Produce a PowerPoint presentation of maximum 8 slides outlining the following: 1. Clear and concise presentation of the social problem (justifying the need for a social enterprise). 2. Clear presentation of your business idea, social purpose, business model and description of product(s)/service(s). 3. Present potential … Read more

Prepare a 2,000-word credit report into one of the following companies that addresses the following elements:Practical application of credit assessment approaches and a suitable credit rating assigned to your chosen company

Credit Management: Theory and Practice Instructions With the UK and much of the economy in a recession the likelihood of businesses failing to meet their debt obligations increases. This has been especially noted in the retail industry with it facing a so called ‘retail apocalypse’ with Paperchase, Bonmarche, Debenhams, Arcadia and many more all falling … Read more

Working Capital: explain the various financial statement(s) needed to calculate a business’s working capital and how each financial statement is use

Working Capital Explain the various financial statement(s) needed to calculate a business’s working capital and how each financial statement is used. Provide examples to support your claims. Working Capital’s Role: Discuss how effective working capital management supports a healthy business. Working Capital Interpretation: Use the appropriate formula to calculate working capital, then discuss the business’s … Read more

What are the factors for determining the size of investment in accounts receivable? which of these factors is under the control of the manager?

Answer the following questions 1) What are the factors for determining the size of investment in accounts receivable? Which of these factors is under the control of the manager? 2) If the firm experienced no bad debt losses over the past year, would this indicate proper credit management? Yes or no? 3) What are the … Read more

VALUATION: identify and explain the main factors causing change in values in different market sectors.

VALUATION Identify and explain the main factors causing change in values in different market sectors. Apply conventional valuation methods to value freehold property interests for different purposes. Apply conventional methods to value leasehold interests Examine the RICS Valuation – Global Standards and understand when and how to use them

Set up two payoff matrices and evaluate the two matrices using current actions by each country to see which matrix is most likely correct.

Incorporate the concepts of game theory with international trade and tariffs. Set up two payoff matrices. Set up the first payoff matrix such that the outcome will be harmful to both countries. Set up the second payoff matrix such that the outcome will be beneficial to the United States. Evaluate the two matrices using current … Read more