What is Warren’s argument against infanticide and how does it correspond to her overall argument for abortion?

Singer has a highly nuanced definition of equality. What is it? Singer is more interested in equality than rights. Explain? According to Norcross, puppies and factory farm chickens deserve equal moral consideration. Do you agree? How would Singer respond to Tibor’s argument? What is Warren’s argument against infanticide and how does it correspond to her … Read more

Describe the difference between a corporation and a conglomerate.

Conglomerates and Market Domination. Describe the difference between a corporation and a conglomerate. Consider the ethics of media conglomerates in the United States. What are the ethical advantages and disadvantages of allowing large conglomerates to control the mass media? What are alternative ways the media might be organized that would be more ethical or moral? … Read more

Corporate Fraud: What ethical framework in our society allows for this kind of fraud to happen?

Corporate Fraud. Identify one other example of a similar instance of corporate fraud that allows for ethical analysis. What ethical framework in our society allows for this kind of fraud to happen? What ethical or moral framework are perpetrators of corporate fraud operating under? Is this kind of fraud an inevitable result of corporate expansion, … Read more

Organizational Behavior-How do you handle conflict when it arises?

 MBA 602-Organizational Behavior How do you handle conflict when it arises? Seven guidelines for handling conflict can be found at http://www.mediate.com/articles/jordan2.cfm. Think of a conflict you are involved in or have been involved in recently. How could you have applied these guidelines to that situation? Is there room for improvement in your conflict management skills? … Read more

Friedman distinguishes between the two concepts that: (a) businesses really do act in ways to maximize profit and (b) businesses have a moral responsibility or, as he puts it, a social responsibility to act to maximize profit. How does he defend the latter position?

Write a brief essay answering one of the questions below. Friedman distinguishes between the two concepts that: (a) businesses really do act in ways to maximize profit and (b) businesses have a moral responsibility or, as he puts it, a social responsibility to act to maximize profit. How does he defend the latter position? See … Read more

Does it matter whether the state executes a criminal who has the mental capacity of a ten- year- old?

Does it matter whether the state executes a criminal who has the mental capacity of a ten- year- old? Does it matter who actually writes the term paper you turn in and represent as your own? Does it matter whether we can easily save a drowning child but casually decide not to? Does it matter … Read more

Analyze and evaluate a prominent, ethical or unethical entrepreneur in the business world.

Critical Analysis essay (4 to 6 pages, excluding cover and reference pages). You will be required to use APA formatting and conduct research. For this particular assignment, you will be Analyze and evaluate a prominent, ethical or unethical entrepreneur in the business world. You will explore a specific case/event pertaining to that individual.

Evaluate the current moral, philosophical and worldview influences in a specific, researched public administration case study.

Evaluate the current political economic state of the United States Constitutional Republic. Evaluate the current moral, philosophical and worldview influences in a specific, researched public administration case study. Whatever source is used for the actual case study must focus on a real-world public administration situation that is being discussed and analyzed in the chosen article. … Read more