Call Of The AssignmentCall Of The Assignment: Write an essay of 1000-1500 words analyzing a currently published magazine.make a claim about the publication and support it with specifics from your reading.

Write an essay of 1000-1500 words analyzing a currently published magazine.Make a claim about the publication and support it with specifics from your reading. Essay of several paragraphs. You will need a Works Cited page with entries for each of the five or more articles, which you use as support in your essay. Suggestions: Choose … Read more

Create a fact-based argument that supports the statistic and follows a logical structure. 

Visit to find a recent statistic. Create a fact-based argument that supports the statistic and follows a logical structure. Write an argument based on facts and reason. Discuss how to use reason and common sense in an argument.Apply a logical structure to an argument. Identify and define the fallacies of different

Write a 1000 word narrative “event” paper that describes and analyzes an event in your life.

Write a 1000 word narrative “event” paper that describes and analyzes an event in your life. The story needs to include setting, character, conflict, rising action, climax, and resolution. Be sure to use the model stories in the text as good examples in writing your own. You may write about one of the following topics, … Read more

Empathy: how does showing and accepting compassion help inform our understanding of the world?explain.

Empathy Empathy, the ability to understand and share the thoughts and feelings of others, is an important part of our humanity. •How do we best express empathy?Discuss. •How does showing and accepting compassion help inform our understanding of the world?Explain. (4-6 sentencesper question)  

Craft a three-paragraph response (4-6 sentences per paragraph) to answer the following:

Quote analysis essay In this unit, we read an excerpt Harper Lee’s novel To Kill a Mockingbird. In the reading, Atticus Finch tells his daughter, Scout, “You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view–until you climb into his skin and walk around in it.” You may pick a … Read more

conventional wisdom: what is conventional wisdom?how did the term “conventional wisdom” become part of everyday speech? According to the authors, why is conventional wisdom comforting to people?what purpose does it serve?

conventional wisdom 1) What is conventional wisdom? How did the term “conventional wisdom” become part of everyday speech? According to the authors, why is conventional wisdom comforting to people? What purpose does it serve? 2) Why do the authors find it so important to challenge conventional wisdom? What does conventional wisdom add to common discourse, … Read more

Movie/Tv show review: discuss the plot of the show:major characters, setting, name a character who fits the qualities of what you consider to be a real man, real woman,fake man and fake woman.

Movie/Tv show review. Pick a movie or tv show  desire and list the following and make sure it is in your own words. 1. Name of the show. 2. Discuss the plot of the show:major characters, setting, name a character who fits the qualities of what you consider to be a real man, real woman,fake … Read more