Develop a research paper explaining if college rankings matter.
Develop a research paper explaining if college rankings matter. (8 pages double spaced in MLA format)
Develop a research paper explaining if college rankings matter. (8 pages double spaced in MLA format)
Reflect on Inspiration write a 400-word reflection answering all of the items below. • Reflect on and briefly define the concept of Inspiration Pom. Draw on Stella Young’s video and/or the lecture for your definition. • Can you think of a time when you encountered inspiration pom in your daily life? How did you feel … Read more
Global Warming •How does Global Warming affect the Earth?Discuss. •Do people think Global Warming is an important issue.Why do they think it is not a problem? •Discuss the process and consequence of greenhouse effect.
President Franklin Roosevelt’s Tax Plan Vividly describe the Roosevelt 100% Tax Plan.Use direct quotes from the voices of the time and present a balanced story of adequately cover both the pro and con voices. Instructions: ●2-3 pages●MLA or APA style●Five references●Paint a vivid picture with your words.●Be interesting -engage the reader-draw them in.●Use your own … Read more
The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark 1. What is Polonius telling Reynaldo to do in II.i? What does this tell us about Polonius and his way of thinking and acting? 2. Why is Ophelia so upset when she enters at II.i? What has happened to her? Does Hamlet’s appearance (in her telling) as a … Read more
Answer and elaborate on 4 of the given questions. The Hate you gives offers an interpretation of the Black struggle that has been prevalent throughout history. That is, the misrepresentation of the black community, oppression, and the daily dangers an African American faces in the presence of Authority. How is this ideology a positive aspect … Read more
Write an essay about whether if standard written English should be required in College. Written English has to be like a proposal to an English Department at a college. (3 pages)
Write a poem about a topic or a person that is important to you. The poem should be 15-20 lines.
Animal Liberation •Provide an analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of Peter singer’s arguments in Chapter 1 of Animal Liberation . •Support your position and anticipate counter-arguments. Try to spend an equal amount of time on the strengths and weaknesses. You may rely on and cite other in-class sources, such as Pollan or Gruen.
•Write a report to the local school board explaining the potential benefits of using computers in a fourth–grade class. •What are the potential benefits of using computers in a fourth–grade class?