Ekphrastic Poem : Write about Monet’s Bridge Over Pond of Water Lillies painting and clearly identify the literary devices you used

Ekphrastic Poem Write about Monet’s Bridge Over Pond of Water Lillies painting Your poem must be at least 15 lines in length. Your poem must contain at least 4 different literary devices. (figurative language, sound devices, imagery). Clearly identify the literary devices you used. Below your poem, include a text box with the four literary … Read more

Choose a topic and write a 1- to 2-page paper discussing your topic selection process

Selection process. Choose a topic and write a 1- to 2-page paper discussing your topic selection process. Add an in-text citation and formatted Works Cited or References page in APA or MLA format for one of the sources you found when researching the library databases. Why did you choose that source and how will it … Read more

In a well-written and textually-supported essay, analyze Mokhtar’s life and journey as Dave Eggers presents it in Books 3 & 4 of The Monk of Mokha.

Mokhtar’s life and journey. Sir Richard Branson, a British business magnate, entrepreneur, investor, and author, who, in the 1970s founded the Virgin Group (which includes Virgin Records and Virgin Galactic), which today controls more than 400 companies in various fields, once said about learning: “You don’t learn to walk by following rules. You learn by … Read more

In a well-written and textually-supported essay, analyze Mokhtar’s life and journey as Dave Eggers presents it in Books 3 & 4 of The Monk of Mokha.

  Sir Richard Branson, a British business magnate, entrepreneur, investor, and author, who, in the 1970s founded the Virgin Group (which includes Virgin Records and Virgin Galactic), which today controls more than 400 companies in various fields, once said about learning: “You don’t learn to walk by following rules. You learn by doing, and by … Read more

Analyze the General Environment of the LEGO company and use Porters 5 Forces to complete an Industry Analysis.

Analyze the General Environment of the LEGO company and use Porters 5 Forces to complete an Industry Analysis. MLA- style source documentation and works cited(5), student last name and page number in the upper-right of each page,double-spacing throughout, standard font (Time New Roman, calibri), Title, centered after heading, 1″ margins on all sides, save the … Read more

Think critically and independently ,Communicate skillfully and effectively Formulate and justify informed opinions on Hate crime.

Hate crime Length: approx. 2000 words Aims/Objectives: Think critically and independently ,Communicate skillfully and effectively Formulate and justify informed opinions on Hate crime. Respond to your chosen topic by employing three genres or styles of writing discussed in class: A letter to the editor, 300 words A tweet (maximum 140 characters, unlimited hashtags. i.e. not … Read more

Playlist Project : Pick 5 songs and use the song to create an album and each song should be accompanied by a paragraph explaining why you chose the song.

Playlist Project Pick 5 songs and use the song to create an album and each song should be accompanied by a paragraph explaining why you chose the song. For this project, you need to: – Design an album cover – On construction/poster paper (not regular printer paper) – You can play around with size, but … Read more