Struggle for freedom : Compare how two different works from Module 3 portray the struggle for freedom.What are characters fighting for and against?

Struggle for freedom Compare how two different works from Module 3 portray the struggle for freedom. What are characters fighting for and against? What argument does each text seem to be making about this concept? Use specific evidence from both works to support your answer. Technical Requirements: The 2 works you are going to use will be … Read more

Discuss the ways in which this progression is changing the landscape of our society as we are increasingly reliant on our devices and what we are offered through our online immersion.

English 102 Prompts •Essay will be approximately 3 pages in length, double spaced and proper MLA formatting with internal citations. •Demonstrate the ability to quote, paraphrase, summarize, and cite sources correctly. •Source material will be the course readings (Mary Louise Pratt’s “Arts of the Contact Zone”, Sherry Turkle’s “The Tethered Self” and Michel Foucault’s piece … Read more

After reading “The Drunken Boat” and the “Voyant” letter, and reading and listening to the Dylan songs, write a paper on what you think about all this in an essay with at least 500 words of your own writing.

Behind the Shades Revisited In his book Bob Dylan: Behind the Shades Revisited, Clinton Heylin writes, Just as his life became more chaotic and his poetry more self-conscious, Dylan began to take upon himself the visionary mantle Rimbaud demanded of the true poet: “The poet makes himself a seer by a long, prodigious and rational … Read more

Literacy Narrative : Write a literacy narrative about one of your own experiences with literacy, broadly defined.

Literacy Narrative 3-4 pages double-spaced Literacy narratives not only recount past experiences but also interpret and synthesize these moments into meaningful reflections of who you are as a reader, writer, and learner and about identity, education, values, and culture. They consider questions such as: Who are you as a reader, a writer, a learner? What … Read more

Concept Interview : Interview someone who works in the field you are considering for your own career and determine some problem related to your major or career and argue for a particular change that could realistically be effective for eliminating or at least addressing the problem.

Concept Interview Interview someone who works in the field you are considering for your own career and determine some problem related to your major or career and argue for a particular change that could realistically be effective for eliminating or at least addressing the problem. This can include a professional or a professor within your … Read more

literary work : Find at least one credible secondary source that relates to a literary work from or the theme of this module. Explain how the source helps define, or helps a reader understand, the complexities of family or love.

literary work Find at least one credible secondary source that relates to a literary work from or the theme of this module. Explain how the source helps define, or helps a reader understand, the complexities of family or love. The theme of this module that you are going to use is “Bog Girl: A Romance” … Read more

Write five reading responses during the on George Orwell’s novel 1984 as assigned in the text boxes on the 094 calendar.

George Orwell’s 1984Write five reading responses during the on George Orwell’s novel 1984 asassigned in the text boxes on the 094 calendar. The length required for full consideration of the20 assigned points will be between one–and–one–half and two pages in a standard MLA formatteddocument.