Research Profile : Write a profile that offers insight into a place with a unique identity or that perhaps contributes to the unique identity of its community/city.

Research Profile Length: 4-6 pages double-spaced Format: MLA format, Times New Roman, Size 12, 1-inch margins Assignment: You’ve read many profiles—they appear in magazines, on websites, and as non-fiction bestsellers. Interviews, biographies, and documentaries are also specific kinds of profiles. Think of them as windows into a subject; the essay offers knowledge that the writer … Read more

Write a 500-750 word narrative essay in which you compare and contrast an approved, personal topic that has contributed to who you are as a learner and/or your literacy.

Literacy Write a 500-750 word narrative essay in which you compare and contrast an approved, personal topic that has contributed to who you are as a learner and/or your literacy. Your essay should follow the correct MLA or APA format.  

Characterization : Choose a character of your choice and write an analysis of the character you find particularly interesting.

Characterization Choose a character of your choice and write an analysis of the character you find particularly interesting. This character does not necessarily have to be the story’s protagonist. Is their name significant or meaningful in some fashion? What does the character;s physical description implies? What do their thoughts  reveal about their nature? If the … Read more

LIFE OF PI : How is the concept of resilience developed in your novel and two other texts from the course?

LIFE OF PI How is the concept of resilience developed in your novel and two other texts from the course? Write a 5-10 paragraph critical analysis essay in response to the above essay question: Select two texts to analyze for your essay. The texts you choose should not be the same type. For example, don’t … Read more

Art Spiegelman’s graphic novel : Provide at least five sentences, and a personal opinion about the Tennessee school board voting to ban this graphic novel from 8th grade.

Art Spiegelman’s graphic novel Art Spiegelman’s graphic novel details his parents’ experiences in Nazi camps during the holocaust. Provide at least five sentences, and a personal opinion about the Tennessee school board voting to ban this graphic novel from 8th grade.

Algorithm : What is an algorithm according to Victoria Nash in the video above?Why is the list of instructions used in computation according to the response given in the video?

Algorithm Link 1 (Links to an external site.) 1. What is an algorithm according to Victoria Nash in the video above? 2. Why is the list of instructions used in computation according to the response given in the video? 3. According to the video what is the difference between coding and an algorithm? 4 … Read more

Identify at least one regulation or law that the country put in place to reduce or control emissions and/or air pollution.

Worldwide energy consumption Worldwide energy consumption varies dramatically, but the impacts are shared by all. The most commonly used fuel sources for energy around the world are the fossil fuels: coal, oil, and natural gas. Combustion of fossil fuels releases pollutants into the atmosphere, where the emissions from all countries combine to cause local, regional, … Read more

Analyze the plot in terms of its exposition, complication, crises, falling action, and denouncement. Examine the relationships between the two main characters.

Read John Steinbeck’s short story, “The Chrysanthemums” beginning on page 459 in DiYanni Choose one of the following questions on which to base your argument: Analyze the plot in terms of its exposition, complication, crises, falling action, and denouncement. Examine the relationships between the two main characters. Discuss the irony and symbolism found in the … Read more

Enron : How did the members of the accounting firms violate the standards of integrity and credibility?Do you believe the new standards that resulted from the Enron scandal to be adequate?

Enron Regarding Enron, this was a company that resulted in the creation of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act and many reforms to the accounting profession. Research the company and answer the following questions. 1. How did the members of the accounting firms violate the standards of integrity and credibility? 2. Do you believe the new standards that … Read more

Annotated bibliography : Research a topic,read at least two sources you think may be useful in supporting your argument and create a short to share some of your research findings.

Annotated bibliography Research a topic,read at least two sources you think may be useful in supporting your argument and create a short to share some of your research findings. Ideally, each text provides different information or types of evidence for your argument. It will not be useful to include multiple articles that prove pretty much … Read more