Latinx literature canon : Pick one of the readings in this module and critically evaluate why this text is considered part of the Latinx literature canon.

Latinx literature canon Pick one of the readings in this module and critically evaluate why this text is considered part of the Latinx literature canon. In a short essay, 2-3 pages (750-1000 words), answer the following questions: 1. Why do you think this text has been included in the Latinx and American literature canons for … Read more

Defend or oppose why grammar and proper speech and writing is such an important subject in school.

Essay Write a 5 paragraph, minimum 500 word essay in response to the prompt below. Your essay should have an Introduction as the first paragraph, 3 paragraphs to form the Body of the essay and a final paragraph as the Conclusion to form your 5 paragraph essay. Be sure to use the APA Format guidelines. … Read more

Compare and contrast examination of three writers of governmental and social needs and rules and the need and handling of war ready nations.

Looking at society through different eyes Compare and contrast examination of three writers of governmental and social needs and rules and the need and handling of war ready nations. The three writers are Lao-Tzu (China), Christian de Pizan (France), and Machiavelli (Italy). You are going to approach it through Aristotle’s pathos, ethos, and logos. By … Read more

Write a set of instructions in which you explain to a specific audience how to perform a procedure. Think of a process that involves multiple steps and multiple groups of steps and that will require warnings. Look for more challenging topics than changing flat tires or washing dishes.

The Essentials of Technical Communication Before you begin this assignment, make sure you have read and thought about Chapters 4, 5, and 10 in The Essentials of Technical Communication Write a set of instructions in which you explain to a specific audience how to perform a procedure. Think of a process that involves multiple steps … Read more

Childhoods end, the humans perspective How do children react to when alienated species arrive on earth and what is the difference between humans and adults perspective on alien species?

Childhoods end, the humans perspective How do children react to when alienated species arrive on earth and what is the difference between humans and adults perspective on alien species? Take “Childhoods end” by Arthur C. Clarke and “the fate of poseidonia” compare and contrast the book and article into specifics and write about things in … Read more

Personal narrative : Write an essay about a story from your life, describing an experience that either demonstrates your character or helped to shape it.

Personal narrative Write an essay about a story from your life, describing an experience that either demonstrates your character or helped to shape it. Use one of these stories topics to write the essay prompt: . Playing soccer . The hardship of helping a single mom take care of siblings . Adapting to a foreign … Read more

Gun Control Policy : Define recession and discuss the probable effects a recession would have on today’s society.

Gun Control Policy Define recession and discuss the probable effects a recession would have on today’s society. Which is a nationwide lull in business activity, would be detrimental to society MLA format Typed outline One outside source Two direct quotes (two sentences or less for each one) 1 ½ pages in length Works Cited

How does the writer connect various subtopics about identity for instance, their personal identity and religious faith, or their personal identity and ethnicity?

Topic Choices: Gender, Sexuality, & Identity Readings Language, Education, & Identity Readings Ethnicity, Race, & Identity Readings Technology, Society, & Identity Readings Religion, Belief, & Identity Readings Identity in Popular Culture Readings Identity in Cultural/Global Trends Readings Here are some general questions to help as you read, take notes, and make connections: How does the … Read more