Argumentative research paper : Write a 3-page ,750 to 825 words, double-spaced, argumentative research paper supporting your solution or argument.

Argumentative research paper Once your topic idea is chosen, follow the instructions below. Write a 3-page ,750 to 825 words, double-spaced, argumentative research paper supporting your solution or argument. Keep in mind, your goal as a writer is to defend your claim through scholarly research and convince your reader that your solution or argument is … Read more

Write an argumentative essay with on the topic on if abortion should be banned.

Critical Thinking and Academic Writing Write an argumentative essay with on the topic on if abortion should be banned. 1. Essay should have an Introduction. 2. Body: which should include: Main arguments. Objection to the main argument. Reply to the objection. 3. Conclusion. 4. Paragraphs should have main points and supporting points.  

To Kill a Mockingbird : Explore the theme of race and justice in ‘To Kill a Mockingbird.’

‘To Kill a Mockingbird.’ Explore the theme of race and justice in ‘To Kill a Mockingbird.’ Focus on the element of persuasion via the lens of analyzing and critiquing a text. Length is a minimum of 4 full pages or 5 pages typed double-spaced (see syllabus). Use MLA format and parenthetical in-text citation (quotes, paraphrases … Read more

Interpersonal Communication : List and define the four elements of communication.Identify the methods for effectively communicating with others.Apply knowledge of proper communication methods to client and colleague interactions in a veterinary practice.

Interpersonal Communication List and define the four elements of communication. Identify the methods for effectively communicating with others. Apply knowledge of proper communication methods to client and colleague interactions in a veterinary practice. Determine the importance of using and observing verbal and nonverbal communication. Prepare oneself to work with clients and coworkers as part of … Read more

Veterinary Computer Software : Evaluate your research to determine which programs may provide the best service in a veterinary practice.

Veterinary Computer Software Identify the various types of veterinary software programs that are available. Explain the use and benefits of veterinary software programs in practice. Report the pros and cons of different programs. Categorize and examine the features of various programs. Evaluate your research to determine which programs may provide the best service in a … Read more

Comparative essay : Research and write a comparative essay between Kazuo Ishiguro’s “Never Let Me Go” and the film “The Hunger Games”.

Comparative essay Research and write a comparative essay between Kazuo Ishiguro’s “Never Let Me Go” and the film “The Hunger Games”. The stimulus is the comparison of control in dystopian worlds as presented in the text and the film. Perhaps containing control over information, control over bodies/freedom, and regaining control and how control is presented … Read more

Paper Draft about censored books: write 3 pages of each politics and religion.

Paper Draft about censored books: write 3 pages of each politics and religion   Salman Rushdie, Satanic Verses Plato The Republic Book VI Karl Marx, The Communist Manifesto Ta-Nehisi Coats, Between the World and Me   Paper Draft about censored books: Religion Martin Luther, Ninety-Five Theses Baruch Spinoza, Theological-Political Treatise Salman Rushdie, Satanic Verses  

Whitman : Choose a poem or section of a poem and, for the first section, write a few sentences saying what the poem says.

Whitman Each response should consist of two sections of writing that total roughly 250 words. INSTRUCTION: Choose a poem or section of a poem and, for the first section, write a few sentences saying what the poem says. Then the second section explain how the poet’s language impacts the meaning and feeling of the poem.

Solar Panels : What is the future of this technology? What advancements are scientists trying to come up with and what will we want them to do?

Solar Panels Organize your thoughts and the main points of your “Solar Panels”. a. Does the device transform one type of energy to another . b. What sub assemblies and components does the technology contain and how do they work? One approach you can consider taking here is to choose some elemental particle that the … Read more