Write a summary response of an article “NEA Report Shows that Steep Decline in American Reading Skills will Have Significant Long-Term Negative Effects on Society” by Matt Burriesci Discussion”.

Summary Write a summary response of an article “NEA Report Shows that Steep Decline in American Reading Skills will Have Significant Long-Term Negative Effects on Society” by Matt Burriesci Discussion”. The essay should contain 7 paragraphs: introduction, summary, 4 main points each has it’s own paragraph which are: civic, social, cultural, and economics, and last … Read more

Monuments and Memorials : Choose a specific monument, memorial, or artistic tribute which alludes to a historical event or person, and then write an analysis of the struggle for power that the monument represents.

Monuments and Memorials. Choose a specific monument, memorial, or artistic tribute which alludes to a historical event or person, and then write an analysis of the struggle for power that the monument represents. In addition to analyzing the statuary itself, and the rhetorical appeals that it makes to viewers, the paper should include a discussion … Read more

Compare Frost’s “The Road not Taken” and Thomas’ “Do not Go Gentle into that Good Night” and discuss the extent to which each poet is able to convey thoughts subtler and more profound than an initial reading of his poem might suggest.

Research Proposal Compare Frost’s “The Road not Taken” and Thomas’ “Do not Go Gentle into that Good Night” and discuss the extent to which each poet is able to convey thoughts subtler and more profound than an initial reading of his poem might suggest. Guidelines Your research proposal should be about 250 words long; divide … Read more

Look closely at Sections 305 and 306 of Proposition 227, and compare the amendments that Proposition 58 makes to these two sections. What was changed and why?

Reflecting on Translingual Language Learning Choose one of the following: Look closely at Sections 305 and 306 of Proposition 227, and compare the amendments that Proposition 58 makes to these two sections. What was changed and why? Select one of the SABE Storytime videos, and analyze the teacher’s use of Spanish and English in communicating … Read more

When we hear that 272 million people were migrants in 2019, how do we comprehend the reality of that statistic? What does that degree of migration look like? How does it change our neighborhoods, our schools, and our own sense of our identity?

Linguistic Superdiversity In his 2013 book Ethnography, Superdiversity and Linguistic Landscapes (Links to an external site.), the renowned sociolinguist Jan Blommaert (pronounced “Yun Blow-mairt”) describes superdiversity as “diversity within diversity, a tremendous increase in the texture of diversity in societies such as ours” (4). In this short excerpt, he points to two forces that have … Read more

Transnationalism : How can transnationalism, English as a Lingua Franca (ELF), and translingualism help in understanding the new cultural networks that are taking shape in the context of international migration?

Transnationalism How can transnationalism, English as a Lingua Franca (ELF), and translingualism help in understanding the new cultural networks that are taking shape in the context of international migration? What are the possibilities for literacy and language to help forget new relationships across linguistic and cultural differences? Take a look at the video “Similarities Between … Read more

Translingual Analysis Paper : Write an essay that analyzes one or more texts using a translingual approach.

Translingual Analysis Paper Write an essay that analyzes one or more texts using a translingual approach. Your analysis should show how language users adapt and adopt global English for local cultural contexts and purposes; or how they engage in any of several multilingual competencies for writing and communication.  

Roman Vishniac : Focus on one or both of the podcasts, or on the the two articles on Roman Vishniac. Reflect and explain on the relationship between place and memory in that reading and on your own experience of place and memory.

Roman Vishniac Focus on one or both of the podcasts, or on the the two articles on Roman Vishniac. Reflect and explain on the relationship between place and memory in that reading and on your own experience of place and memory. Podcast: https://www.israelstory.org/episode/by-the-rivers-of-babylon/ Reading: http://www.nytimes.com/2010/04/04/magazine/04shtetl-t.html https://vishniac.icp.org/exhibition/yivo-exhibitions-in-new-york-january-1944-and-january-1945 Another reading called Zemel