Write a multi-paragraph essay that fully develops the topic on the use of religious archetypes in Flannery O’Connor’s “The Life You Save May Be Your Own.”

O’Connor Essay. Write a multi-paragraph essay that fully develops the topic on the use of religious archetypes in Flannery O’Connor’s “The Life You Save May Be Your Own.” Flannery O’Connor often wrote her short stories using elements taken from the Bible and Christian ideology. Document the use of Biblical references in “The Life You Save … Read more

Write in response to prompts that ask you to consider Charles Duhigg’s ideas about how habits work: how they are formed, strengthened, and can be changed.

Winning basketball withe defense Write in response to prompts that ask you to consider Charles Duhigg’s ideas about how habits work: how they are formed, strengthened, and can be changed. Your essay should be 5-6 pages and incorporate quotes, paraphrases, and summaries from the reading we have discussed and from the library database articles you … Read more

In what ways do early modern dramatists use environment and setting within their plays?

Shakespeare’s Renaissance You are expected to answer the question in relation to one play by William Shakespeare and one play by one of Shakespeare’s contemporaries. You are expected to compare the two writers’ treatment of the themes below and, in the conclusion to your essay, consider whether Shakespeare’s reputation as the greatest playwright of the … Read more

Compare and contrast how Khaled Hosseini’s A Thousand Splendid Suns and Imtiaz Dharker’s Postcards from God portray women’s experiences in patriarchal societies.

Women’s experiences Compare and contrast how Khaled Hosseini’s A Thousand Splendid Suns and Imtiaz Dharker’s Postcards from God portray women’s experiences in patriarchal societies.   2000 words in MLA format  

Is Winston the novel’s hero, by Orwell’s definition? Is he a hero that readers can admire and emulate? Explain your position by tracing Winston’s actions throughout the novel and considering the results of those actions.

Literary Essay: Winston Smith, Hero or Not? Respond to the following in the form of a short essay. Your essay should consist of at least five paragraphs. George Orwell once offered this definition of Heroism: ordinary people doing whatever they can to change social systems that do not respect human decency, even with the knowledge … Read more

What role should logic play in modern argument? Which approach to reasoning do you think will be most useful for you in the research argument?

Common Fallacies 1. What role should logic play in modern argument? Which approach to reasoning do you think will be most useful for you in the research argument? 2. Using at least three of the common fallacies listed (Limited Sampling, Appeal to Ignorance, Naturalistic Fallacy, ad hominem, ad ignorantiam, ad populum, Begging the question, Complex … Read more

What did two of White’s group disguise themselves as when they arrived in Oklahoma?

Killers of the Flower Moon. Who did White retain from the previous investigation as part of his team? Who did the FBI release from prison early to help with the investigation into the Osage murders? What did two of White’s group disguise themselves as when they arrived in Oklahoma? Which private investigator did William Hale … Read more