Examine one particular individual or organization of your own choosing who has famously mastered one of these “new forms of document” to gain power, popularity, and influence.

The Social Life of Documents Examine one particular individual or organization of your own choosing who has famously mastered one of these “new forms of document” to gain power, popularity, and/or influence. Examine how this particular individual or organization accessed, elevated, and exploited the “social life” of his/her/its document to develop a “robust social world” … Read more

Write 5 paragraphs first paragraph on a character showing the traits of being a human, animalistic behaviors and one becoming savages.

Characterization Write 5 paragraphs first paragraph on a character showing the traits of being a human, animalistic behaviors and one becoming savages. 5 paragraphs first paragraph being the intro and the second about one of the character showing the traits of being a human and the third paragraph of one of the characters showing animalistic … Read more

Using your newfound knowledge of literary devices, you will explore your favorite songs in order to identify and explain how they are utilized.

Song Lyric Analysis Project Using your newfound knowledge of literary devices, you will explore your favorite songs in order to identify and explain how they are utilized. Directions: You will select a song (must be school appropriate) of your choice. You must get your song approved by the teacher. The song must have a minimum … Read more

Choose two of Hawthorne’s works one novel and one short story. Discuss the issue of secret sin in the two works you chose comparing the issue in the two works.

Secret Sin In Hawthornes Work. This essay should be a minimum of 1000 words. Choose two of Hawthorne’s works one novel and one short story. Discuss the issue of secret sin in the two works you chose comparing the issue in the two works. Use secondary sources to support your argument. MLA format.

Is Winston the novel’s hero, by Orwell’s definition? Is he a hero that readers can admire and emulate? Explain your position by tracing Winston’s actions throughout the novel and considering the results of those actions.

Respond to the following in the form of a short essay. Your essay should consist of at least five paragraphs. George Orwell once offered this definition of Heroism: ordinary people doing whatever they can to change social systems that do not respect human decency, even with the knowledge that they can’t possibly succeed. In Winston … Read more