With the prospects for artificially enhanced bodies, workers, and companions, what are the sensible and ethical approaches to these technologies?

A futuristic world The three short stories we are reading imagine a futuristic world in which the protagonists’ bodies and minds have been altered or augmented, robotically or biologically, in some way, challenging us to examine what it means to be human. With the prospects for artificially enhanced bodies, workers, and companions, what are the … Read more

In a 2-paragraph essay using the No Fear copy of William Shakespeare’s “The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet” Act 1 Scene 1-5 as evidence argue the following question about the theme of the play.Is Love stronger than Hate?

Romeo and Juliet Act 1 scene 1-5 In a 2-paragraph essay using the No Fear copy of William Shakespeare’s “The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet” Act 1 Scene 1-5 as evidence argue the following question about the theme of the play. ”Is Love stronger than Hate?”

People say that love Conquers all. Is this statement true, or just a cliché? How powerful is love? Are there instances where love has brought people together as well as times when hate has driven them apart?

”love Conquers all” People say that love Conquers all. Is this statement true, or just a cliché? How powerful is love? Are there instances where love has brought people together as well as times when hate has driven them apart?  

Critically self-assess your work: reflect upon your strengths and weaknesses as a writer and reflect upon your writing process.

Reflection Double Spaced 2-3 pages –Times New Roman 12 pt. (feel free to use the suggested format template I posted below) Critically self-assess your work: reflect upon your strengths and weaknesses as a writer and reflect upon your writing process. Provide CONCRETE examples of your strengths and weaknesses in your projects. Explain what you did … Read more

Select a creative or artistic work and explain some of the key concepts, questions, or ideas of your chosen literary theory, including an in-text citation for your source(s).

Literary Criticism Part 1. Choose one of the Schools of Literary Criticism from Unit 1.Learn more about your chosen literary theory using the credible, scholarly sources included in this unit. Select a creative or artistic work and explain some of the key concepts, questions, or ideas of your chosen literary theory, including an in-text citation … Read more