The two mothers at the heart of the story, Elena and Mia, take on motherhood in very different ways; from the ways they plan for it to the choices they make as working mothers. How do you think this contributes to their understanding of the family dynamic?

Little Fires everywhere. The two mothers at the heart of the story, Elena and Mia, take on motherhood in very different ways; from the ways they plan for it to the choices they make as working mothers. How do you think this contributes to their understanding of the family dynamic?

​The following two pieces both address evolution. The first article is written by Elizabeth Bumiller, and the second article is written by Lisa Fullam.Read them both carefully and write a 500 word essay where you decide which essay is an argument and which essay is the explanation.

Bush Remark Roil Debate over Teaching of Evolution ​The following two pieces both address evolution. The first article is written by Elizabeth Bumiller, and the second article is written by Lisa Fullam.Read them both carefully and write a 500 word essay where you decide which essay is an argument and which essay is the explanation. … Read more

A 1000-1500-word contribution to a 4000-6000-word analytical research report on a scientific or technological problem that demonstrates Knowledge of the history and context of the problem.

The History and context of High school shootings. A 1000-1500-word contribution to a 4000-6000-word analytical research report on a scientific or technological problem that demonstrates Knowledge of the history and context of the problem.

Identify and fairly represent at least three stakeholders in a conversation carefully analyzing the chronological developments of the conversation or some other pattern you have observed in the conversation on Russia/Ukraine Invasion Twitter .

Russia/Ukraine Invasion Twitter Analysis. Identify and fairly represent at least three stakeholders in a conversation carefully analyzing the chronological developments of the conversation or some other pattern you have observed in the conversation on Russia/Ukraine Invasion Twitter .

Write a 3-page reflection/conclusion that brings this topic of Freedoms of Speech and Censorship to the present time and reflects on the significance of your term paper project.

Reflect on the consequences of censorship. Write a 3-page reflection/conclusion that brings this topic of Freedoms of Speech and Censorship to the present time and reflects on the significance of your term paper project. Use quotes and paraphrasing from Alter, Hudson and Nguyen to reflect on the consequences of censorship Use MLA in-text citations and … Read more

Why the US join the war?Submit an annotated bibliography of 10 sources that you have compiled for your research paper.

World War 2 Why the US join the war?Submit an annotated bibliography of 10 sources that you have compiled for your research paper. Should be at least 1/2 page long. This Annotated Bibliography should be double spaced, use size 12, Times New Roman font, and should follow MLA format

To what extent is a fantasy of ‘elsewhere’ significant in Shakespeare’s Hamlet and Kyd’s The Spanish Tragedy?

Hamlet and The Spanish Tragedy To what extent is a fantasy of ‘elsewhere’ significant in Shakespeare’s Hamlet and Kyd’s The Spanish Tragedy? In your answer, you must also demonstrate significant evidence of independent study through reference to critical sources and/or other sources from outside the directed teaching material.