Discuss in detail, the ways in which Duffy presents female identity in the woman who shopped, the diet and Map Women considering how it is characteristic of Duffy’s style and concerns in the collection as a whole.

Female identity. Discuss in detail, the ways in which Duffy presents female identity in the woman who shopped, the diet and Map Women considering how it is characteristic of Duffy’s style and concerns in the collection as a whole.

How does Hansberry’s portrayal of these characters call these roles into question? Does Hansberry seem to support or reject traditional gender roles in the play?

 Throughout A Raisin in the Sun. Lorraine Hansberry explores changing gender roles. Consider the treatment of gender as it relates to the major characters of Walter, Beneath, Ruth, and Mama. How does Hansberry’s portrayal of these characters call these roles into question? Does Hansberry seem to support or reject traditional gender roles in the play? … Read more

Analyze the narrator of “Sonny’s Blues.” What is the significance of his profession?

Sonny’s Blues. Write at least two complete sentences in response to the following (no more than 500 total words, include word count at end of page): 1. Analyze the narrator of “Sonny’s Blues.” What is the significance of his profession? 2. How does the narrator’s suffering re-connect him to his brother? 3. What is this … Read more

People often handle grief, anger, sadness, disappointment, etc. differently from others. Evaluate your attitude toward one of these items with that of another person. Give reasons for each person believing what he or she does.

Belief People often handle grief, anger, sadness and disappointment. differently from others. Evaluate your attitude toward one of these items with that of another person. Give reasons for each person believing what he or she does.

How did online participation relate to learning and successful course completion?

Case study Read “Read-Only Participants: A Case for Student Communication in Online Classes” by Nagel, Blignaut, and Cronje which is located in the Resource section of Topic 1. (1) How did online participation relate to learning and successful coursecompletion?(2) How did participation influence the learning community?

Identify a feature length film that fits your selected genre and briefly summarize the movie.

Genre Theory: Goodfellas Explain genre theory and, using Chapter 3 of the text as a reference, describe the conventions and attributes of the genre you have selected. Identify a feature length film that fits your selected genre and briefly summarize the movie. Interpret at least two genre conventions exhibited in your chosen feature-length film that … Read more

Write a rhetorical analysis of a text of your choice. How effectively does the writer of your chosen text convey the main idea of the text? In what ways do ethos, logos, and pathos affect the author’s ability to persuade the audience?

Rhetorical Analysis Write a rhetorical analysis of a text of your choice. How effectively does the writer of your chosen text convey the main idea of the text? In what ways do ethos, logos, and pathos affect the author’s ability to persuade the audience? Formatting Requirements Use MLA format to document all sources. Typed, double-spaced, … Read more

Case Study : Using the negative message strategy, write a donation request refusal letter that maintains good relations with your client.

Case Study 7.4 Request Refusal: Advocating for Abused Children [Objs. 1 – 4] (I have altered the textbook’s 7.4 assignment a bit. Please follow mine.) As vice president of Mark Mendelson Financial Services, Inc. (address: 4000 Bradley Street, 3rd floor, Austin, TX 78701; phone: 512-217-6991; fax 512-217-7542; website: http://www.markmendelsonfinancial.com), you (You are vice president, not … Read more