Classify civilian labor force in Riverside into one of the following unemployment types: structural, cyclical, and frictional unemployment and explain why.

Case Study Categorize the following groups of people by different types of unemployment and report it to the BLS (Bureau of Labor Statistics) in a month. The document you receive has the following information: “There are 330,000 people reside in Riverside. Among them, 40% of the population is civilian labor force. The 15% of civilian … Read more

Predict the pattern of export and import between those three countries in 2015 compared to 2014. In other words, would exports from US to Japan and European countries increase or decrease? Would imports from Japan and European countries to US increase or decrease?

Currency The exchange rate between dollar (US currency ) and yen (Japan currency) was 120¥/$; and the exchange rate between dollar (US currency) and euro is 1.3€/$ in 2014, and the exchange rate increased to 130¥/$ and 1.5€/$, respectively in 2015. Predict the pattern of export and import between those three countries in 2015 compared … Read more

What does this description imply about the assumption of profit maximization?Suggest reasons why well-run firm avoid firing workers during a recession and re-hiring them in a boom.

“The Economist, Buttonwood column, 17 July 2021” (1) Read the following article from “The Economist, Buttonwood column, 17 July 2021” Optimism about company earnings has driven share prices higher in the past year. But financial markets are relentlessly forward-looking. And with bumper earnings already in the bag, they now have less to look forward to. … Read more

Compose a complete a research paper on one of the following current economic topic.

Current Economics Compose a complete a research paper on one of the following current economic topic. Federal government budget deficits Unemployment Rate US Tax Policy Regulation of US Banking System Welfare and Drug Testing Prison Systems Immigration Government spending War Walmart and the Economy Why Drug Dealers live with their mom’s Economic growth and obesity … Read more

Write a 2–3-page paper double-spaced, 1-inch margins providing at least 1 example of how government has overstepped biblical principles in some form of economic policy.

Economics Analysis Assignment Instructions  Write a 2–3-page paper double-spaced, 1-inch margins providing at least 1 example of how government has overstepped biblical principles in some form of economic policy. Be sure to adhere to the format specified in the Course Style Guidelines document. Instructions Length of assignment – 2-3 pages. Make sure to include a bibliography page … Read more

Define and calculate six major cost elements of a business when given the total costs and the quantity produced. Use the computed costs to determine a minimum cost output level for that business.

Principles of sound reasoning. Define and calculate six major cost elements of a business when given the total costs and the quantity produced. Use the computed costs to determine a minimum cost output level for that business. Compute both the break-even price and the shutdown price for a hypothetical business in a perfectly competitive market. … Read more

Discuss the consequences of increasing interest rates on the US economy, taking into consideration the global ramifications.

Econ dis Monetary policy in the US, especially the desire to increase interest rates, will have international repercussions. One of these will be to strengthen an already strong dollar. Discuss the consequences of increasing interest rates on the US economy, taking into consideration the global ramifications.

What are the major goods and services exported from the U.S. to the trading partner?

Trading Submit an analysis of trade between the U.S. and the trading partner you have chosen by completing the six questions that follow. Be sure to identify your sources for any descriptive or factual information. 1) Provide a brief description of the country/ trading partner you have chosen. The description should include the name of … Read more

Do you think price discrimination through coupons is fair? Should there be laws against this behavior? Why or why not?

Price discrimination One method of price discrimination for firms is the use of coupons and rebates. Firms are basically allowing consumers to self-identify their respective price elasticities of demand for a product. Describe the last time you used a coupon or a rebate, and another time where you knew a coupon might be available and … Read more

Calculate the consumer surplus, producer surplus, and total surplus both before a price floor is established and after a price, the floor is enacted.

Perfectly competitive market In a perfectly competitive market, the equilibrium price and quantity represent the most efficient operation of that market. In a scenario in which a government tries to improve the financial position of the sellers, in such a perfectly competitive market, by instituting a legal price floor that is significantly above the equilibrium … Read more