Imagine you are advising the leadership of a new, independent country for the design of their central bank. In 1–2 pages describe one benefit and one drawback for each type of central bank design listed below:

Central Bank Design Imagine you are advising the leadership of a new, independent country for the design of their central bank. In 1–2 pages describe one benefit and one drawback for each type of central bank design listed below: 1]Central bank policy decisions that are irreversible or central bank policy decisions that can be overturned … Read more

Today, there is a clear consensus about the best way to design a central bank. What are the criteria for a successful central bank?

Banking Concepts. This homework activity checks your understanding of why large financial firms or universal banks were created, the motivation behind the 1988 Basel Accord, the criteria for a successful central bank, and the limits of the Federal Reserve in preventing a stock market crash. Briefly answer the following questions: Owners and managers have cited … Read more

What security measure would you look for in a SaaS company? If the company were an international company, what questions would you have before signing a contract? Are there specific regulations to look for based on having a cloud-based system or data storage that must be addressed?

Global, Analytical Thinking In 1987, Adrian DiMarco started TechnologyOne in Brisbane, Australia. Today, TechnologyOne has over 1,200 employees $50 million (AUS) in innovation. In 2017 Adrian DiMarco stepped down and Edward Chung was appointed the new CEO. TechnologyOne is a provider of global SaaS enterprise solutions for many industries throughout Australia, the United Kingdom, Indonesia … Read more

If tax incentive for the company came before a vote in the Washington state legislature, how would you want your representative to vote ? Why would you want them to vote that way?

Tax Incentives Select one of the top 5 recipients of tax incentives in Washington: Boeing, Microsoft, University of Washington, Amazon, or Google. After you’ve selected a company to analyze, find at least 5 sources of information, at least 3 of the 5 sources should be published in the past 3 years and at least 2 … Read more

For each of the following production functions, determine if the technology exhibits increasing, decreasing, or constant returns to scale.

Problem Set 1. Suppose that the hourly output of chili at a barbecue (q, measured in pounds) is characterized byq = 20√KLwhere K is the number of large pots used each hour and L is the number of worker hours employed.a. Graph the q = 2000 pounds per hour isoquant.b. The point K = 100, … Read more

How would you determine team composition in a multinational team?

Global economy. Remaining competitive in a global economy frequently means moving from a national to a transnational organization. Developing teams that cross national boundaries is becoming a strategic business need. Address the issues associated with having a transnational team with members who reside in multiple countries. Respond to the following questions: How would you determine … Read more

Choose a nation anywhere in the world so long as it is possible for you to gather the information you need about it and then write facts and analysis of it.

Economics. Choose a nation anywhere in the world so long as it is possible for you to gather the information you need about it and then write facts and analysis of it. Questions: Nation: Population: GDP: GDP per capita: Unemployment rate: Inflation rate: Official currency: What has the economic growth rate looked like over the … Read more