Choose and research one of the examples below. Explain the social, economic, and technological environment during the disruption. What distinguishes the winners and the losers from the disruption?

Creative Destruction Analysis Choose and research one of the examples below. Explain the social, economic, and technological environment during the disruption. What distinguishes the winners and the losers from the disruption? • A leader misses an industry shift and is displaced by an innovator who dominates the changing industry. Blackberry phone displaced by Apple Blockbuster … Read more

Write a report as if you were a company or industry consultants considering the establishment/maintenance of price, quantity produced or sold, or a change in price or quantity covering a specific area that relates to elasticity in microeconomics. .

Microeconomics Write a report as if you were a company or industry consultants considering the establishment/maintenance of price, quantity produced or sold, or a change in price or quantity covering a specific area that relates to elasticity in microeconomics. .  APA adherence.

Describe and critically assess the main characteristics of the monetary system of a chosen country.

Economics of Money, Banking and Financial Markets. You are an analyst in the research department of a large international bank.Writeand submit a 1,500 words report as follows: Describe and critically assess the main characteristics of the monetary system of a chosen country.Choose a country from the following list:• Denmark• Hungary• Iceland• Poland• Romania• Turkey

Evaluate the decision to shift advertising money from to Google AdWords.

Advertising money from ESPN A firm recently spent $100 on Google AdWords and generated 100 extra visits to the firm’s website, 5 of which resulted in a purchase. To pay for the change, they dropped the banner advertising on saving $1000, which also reduced the number of visits to their website by 500 and … Read more

Evaluate the decision to shift advertising money from to Google AdWords.

Google AdWords A firm recently spent $100 on Google AdWords and generated 100 extra visits to the firm’s website, 5 of which resulted in a purchase. To pay for the change, they dropped the banner advertising on saving $1000, which also reduced the number of visits to their website by 500 and 20 fewer … Read more

Define fiscal policy and explain whether the government should implement an expansionary or contractionary fiscal policy during the pandemic.

Fiscal Policy 1. Define fiscal policy and explain whether the government should implement an expansionary or contractionary fiscal policy during the pandemic. 2. Identify one of the fiscal policy initiatives implemented at the federal level during the pandemic. Describe the program: What was it? What was it designed to do? How large or a program … Read more