There is a federal minimum wage. Should there be a federal maximum wage to reduce income inequality?

Write at least 1 page explaining the issue you have chosen to write about. This second phase will follow the Phase 1 portion of your paper. There is a federal minimum wage. Should there be a federal maximum wage to reduce income inequality? Do unemployment benefits make workers lazy? Was it the right decision to … Read more

 Describe the production function for an airline transportation system.

ECON 315 mod4 discussion Describe the production function for an airline transportation system. What variables are included in your equation and why? Post an initial response to the discussion topic by the third day of this module and reply to at least one peer’s initial response by the final day of the module week.

Write a Topic Paper that describes the market structure in which a typical professional sports team in or outside the United States e.g. New York Yankees, Kansas City Wizards, New Jersey Nets, Manchester United,operates.

Do some research and Write a Topic Paper that describes the market structure in which a typical professional sports team in or outside the United States e.g. New York Yankees, Kansas City Wizards, New Jersey Nets, Manchester United, etc.operates. Do they clearly fit into one of the four structures discussed in our book? If yes, … Read more

Compare and contrast the following two methods for determining the cost of a product or service: i) absorption costing and ii) activity-based costing.

Compare and contrast the following two methods for determining the cost of a product or service: i) absorption costing and ii) activity-based costing. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the two costing approaches discussed in the first part of this question? (50% of the marks for question 1). In answering, please ensure that you … Read more