Economic Problems: formulate this situation as an extensive form game.

Economic Problems Suppose some passengers are at the airport waiting at the gate to board their flight on Ryanair airline. Ryanair has open seating (first come, first served). Passengers are thinking whether to get in the queue or remain comfort- ably seated. For simplicity, assume there are only two passengers (Passenger 1 andPassenger 2) who … Read more

Federal Reserve: what are the two things the Fed is doing that you think are going to be most helpful?why?

Federal Reserve Over the past year the Federal Reserve has taken a series of actions to ameliorate some of the economic consequences of the pandemic. These are discussed in an updated report from the Brookings Institute that can be found at this link Read the report and then respond to these questions: What are … Read more

Write a 2500 word write-up about how Limited edition products and scarcity affect consumer behavior.

Write a 2500 word write-up about how Limited edition products and scarcity affect consumer behavior. Should include at least 8 scholarly articles (journals, book chapters, etc.) and 5 popular media articles (newspaper, magazine articles, etc.). Should include in-text citations as well as a reference list. Citation style must be as per APA style.

Sugar Industry: critically discuss how companies that produce chocolate bars, may react to an increase in the price of sugar, both in the short-run and long-run.          

Sugar Industry 1. More than 90 per cent of the world’s ethanol is made by fermentation using sugar from plant material. Explain how the market for ethanol may impact the market for sugar used in confectionery. Illustrate your argument using the appropriate diagrams.                                                                                       (Max 250 words )2. Critically discuss how companies that produce chocolate … Read more

Raw Sugar Industry & Market analysis: using the appropriate diagrams and relevant economic theories analyse the market for raw sugar and explain why sugar price has been increasing. Based on your diagrammatic analysis, what do you anticipate will happen to equilibrium quantity?                            

Raw Sugar Industry & Market analysis 1. Using the appropriate diagrams and relevant economic theories analyse the market for raw sugar and explain why sugar price has been increasing. Based on your diagrammatic analysis, what do you anticipate will happen to equilibrium quantity?                                                                                             (Max 500 words )2. Thinking about the production and consumption of … Read more

Consumer Behavior: define and explain the relationship between total utility, marginal utility, and the law of diminishing marginal utility

Consumer Behavior Discuss price elasticity of demand and how it is calculated. Explain the usefulness of the total revenue test for price elasticity of demand. List the factors that affect price elasticity of demand and describe some applications of price elasticity of demand. Describe price elasticity of supply and how it can be applied. Apply … Read more