Economy : Define the law of supply. Define the law of demand

Economy What do we call the market clearing price? How do buyers and sellers determine the market clearing price? Draw a graph showing the market clearing price. Draw a circular flow diagram that includes the product market, resource (factor) market, households, and firms. Explain how goods and services circulate between the four parts Explain the … Read more

Hotel market structure: Identify the market structure that best describes the hotel market and use examples to describe its key features.

Hotel market structure As the effects of COVID-19 spread across the entire world, the primary focus for governments and businesses is the safety of their people. Strategies to flatten the COVID-19 curve such as community lockdowns, social distancing, stay-at-home orders, travel, and mobility restrictions have significantly decreased the demand for many hospitality businesses. The hotel … Read more

Gender pay gap / econometrics: How has the gender pay gap changed at the sampled set of firms between 2018 and 2020?

Gender pay gap / econometrics In March 2017 the UK Parliament passed the Equality Act 2010 (Specific Duties and Public Author- ities). Regulations 2017, which required all employers of more than 250 employees to publicly disclose information about their gender pay gaps effective 01 Apr. 2018. You can see these at The aim of … Read more

Is it more or less an economic benefit for a particular health services organization or type of health services organization to offer or not offer healthcare services to its employees as ACA may require.Discuss

Is it more or less an economic benefit for a particular health services organization or type of health services organization to offer or not offer healthcare services to its employees as ACA may require.Discuss (3 pages double spaced )

Fiscal policy: Define fiscal policy and explain whether the government should implement an expansionary or contractionary fiscal policy during the pandemic.

Fiscal policy One of the tools available to influence the well-being of the economy fiscal policy. The federal government may utilize fiscal policy as an expansionary or contractionary action, depending on the goal of the policy. In this assignment you will investigate specific fiscal policy initiatives taken during the Coronavirus pandemic in the United States … Read more