Explain subsurface mining. Include explanations for: room-and-pillar mining; longwall mining and solution mining .

Mining Explain subsurface mining. Include explanations for: room-and-pillar mining; longwall mining and solution mining . Explain surface mining. Include explanations for: open-pit mining; surface coal mining;quarrying; solar evaporation. Explain placer mining,hydraulic mining,smelting and undersea mining.  

What are native elements,explain as well using examples.How are they different from other minerals?

Minerals and Mineral ResourcesWhat are native elements,explain as well using examples.How are they different from otherminerals? Create a table that describes what the 5 characteristics are that a mineral must have in order tobe called a mineral. Illustrate the basic three ways in which minerals are formed. Why are minerals so important economically and industrially … Read more

Principles of Ecology : Decide on an endangered plant or animal in Nevada. Write about its current habitat. What could make it go extinct? What could potentially save it? Use at least 3 scientific articles as support.

Principles of Ecology Choose from one of the following topics and write a 3-4-page, thesis-driven paper addressing all portions of the prompt:  1. Decide on an endangered plant or animal in Nevada. Write about its current habitat. What could make it go extinct? What could potentially save it? Use at least 3 scientific articles as … Read more

Extreme Weather Summative. Pick one weather event of your choice. Explain the conditions that cause this weather event and describe the safety precautions that should be taken.

Extreme Weather Summative. Pick one weather event of your choice. Explain the conditions that cause this weather event and describe the safety precautions that should be taken. You may include photos, video clips, and anything else you think will help communicate your message.

Polluted Cities Assignment : Explore the pollutants found in the air of the world’s major cities and some the affects those pollutants have on the environment.

Polluted Cities Assignment Explore the pollutants found in the air of the world’s major cities and some the affects those pollutants have on the environment. Pick a major city (population of at least 1 million) and research its air quality.   Atlanta                          Rio de Janeiro               Delhi New York                      Tokyo                           Dhaka Dallas                           Beijing                          Madrid Los Angles                    … Read more

Creating healthly ocean environments : Submit both a working draft and a final version of the modified topic analysis paper on a health ecology topic of your choice.

Creating healthly ocean environments Submit both a working draft and a final version of the modified topic analysis paper on a health ecology topic of your choice. For this analysis paper, you will present both the pro and con sides of your argument as bullet point statements rather than compiling them into a narrative (minimum … Read more

Water Pollution : Read through each of the following items and in a word or google document state whether each is a point source or nonpoint source water pollutant. Then describe why each is a problem and ways that each of these sources of water pollution can/could be reduced.

Water Pollution. Listed are common Sources of Point Source and Nonpoint Source Water Pollution in the United States. Read through each of the following items and in a word or google document state whether each is a point source or nonpoint source water pollutant. Then describe why each is a problem and ways that each … Read more

Natural sciences : Persisting impacts of coal and ore mining results to pollution impacts from mining and the ongoing impacts of old and abandoned mines.Discuss.

Natural sciences Write a Literature review, for the Natural sciences and the human impact on the Environment. Persisting impacts of coal and ore mining results to pollution impacts from mining and the ongoing impacts of old and abandoned mines.Discuss.