Write a 200-word critical essay on each chapter.Each power point is a different chapter.

Relate those most interesting aspects to a current event, or trend in policing. Write a 200-word critical essay on each chapter.Each power point is a different chapter. There are 6 chapters in total. It will be a minimum of 1,200 words. The following chapters are attached below; Chapters 7-12. This assignment is very easy, if … Read more

Prepare four multiple choice questions in a WORD document.

CRIM235 writes a question Prepare four multiple choice questions in a WORD document. Develop two from materials in Chapter 7 and two from Chapter 8. Make sure you identify the correct answer. each question should have 4 multiple choices like A,B,C and D. https://www.studypool.com/questions/download?id=2821376&path=uploads/questions/1636397/20230424173651crim_235_chapter_7_ppts_1.pdf&fileDownloadName=attachment_2  

Research a specific incident involving police officer conduct that has been called into question. Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper in which you identify and briefly describe the incident.

Social Justice Reform Research Paper. In the past decade, operational policies of police agencies across the United States have been steadily called into question in response to incidents involving alleged racially biased policing. Social justice reform groups have been formed to demand change and accountability within the criminal justice system. Research a specific incident involving … Read more

Discuss what can cause blunt force trauma and what types of injuries can result. Give an example of a blunt force injury in a news article and explain the circumstances surrounding the case. Explain the type of injury the case involved in detail.

Blunt Force Injuries Wounds produced by blunt force are classified as mechanical injuries. Discuss what can cause blunt force trauma and what types of injuries can result. Give an example of a blunt force injury in a news article and explain the circumstances surrounding the case. Explain the type of injury the case involved in … Read more

Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper in which you do the following: Indicate if the wrongful conviction was based upon unethical practices.

Research  case. Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper in which you do the following: Indicate if the wrongful conviction was based upon unethical practices by the police, court, probationary personnel, or witnesses. Describe how the conviction was appealed and whether the defendant received any reparations. Indicate if the justice system targeted those responsible for the … Read more

Explain the differences between “racial profiling” and the legitimate use of “profiling” in law enforcement.

Racial profiling and the legitimate use of profiling in law enforcement. Explain the differences between “racial profiling” and the legitimate use of “profiling” . Discuss the prevention of racial profiling in law enforcement using the following seven areas. · Accountability and supervision · Agency policy to address racial profiling · Recruitment and hiring · Education … Read more

Describe what steps could have been taken during the prodromal stage to prevent or at least mitigate the crisis.

Meltdown at Three Mile Island VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D8W5hq5dsZ4&feature=youtu.be Review the video titled “Meltdown at Three Mile Island” and respond to the following: 1.Describe how the crisis was managed by senior leadership (Power Co., Local, State and Federal leadership). 2. Describe what steps could have been taken during the prodromal stage to prevent or at least mitigate … Read more

Which model do you believe is best suited to manage the current addiction epidemic?

American Society of Addiction Medicine The American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) and the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) have stated that addiction is a brain disease. However, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMSHA) reported that there are 4 major dimensions that support a life of recovery: Health Home Purpose Community … Read more

Are the current methods that are being utilized by the Criminal Justice System effective at addressing the addiction problem among the Juvenile and Adult offender population in the Criminal Justice System?

Criminal Justice System Are the current methods that are being utilized by the Criminal Justice System effective at addressing the addiction problem among the Juvenile and Adult offender population in the Criminal Justice System?