Explore and explain the cultural, political, and economic environment of your selected market to help inform future business decisions regarding expansion from the domestic market.

Market Profile and Market Considerations Selected market: China Domestic market: United States Market Profile: Explore and explain the cultural, political, and economic environment of your selected market to help inform future business decisions regarding expansion from the domestic market. Cultural Profile: Compare and contrast important cultural elements of your selected market against those in the … Read more

Creating Agile Organizations : Provide a 600 to 800-word summary of the new research in this area from a minimum of five new peer-reviewed journal articles and identify questions that need exploring in future research.

Creating Agile Organizations. Organizations need to be more agile in the future.In this context, agility means being able to move quickly and easily to accelerate growth. Agile organizations are characterized by clarity around strategic objectives, alignment of organizational goals, and increased efficacy. Organizations must be comfortable with rapidly adapting and failing fast while learning from … Read more

Provide a response of 200 words and have at least 2 to 3 references to the following.

Response to Keisha Smallwood. Provide a response of  200 words and have at least 2 to 3 references to the following. As seen in the call of Isiah and Joel, the cross-field technological adaption contributes to the conservation of resources. The world has a scarcity of resources, and for God and the community, we all … Read more

Using the information above, create a short business memo that explains the profitability, viability, and importance of considering foreign exchange.

Foreign Exchange You manage the international business for a manufacturing company. You are responsible for the overall profitability of your business unit. Your company ships your products to Malaysia. The retail stores that buy your products there pay you in their local currency, the Malaysian ringgit (MYR). All sales for the first quarter are paid … Read more

Create a fictitious company name and location, and make your suggestions specific to that company.

Company Analysis. Create a fictitious company name and location, and make your suggestions specific to that company.  Feel free to choose any industry (e.g., technology, manufacturing, or advertising) that interests you, and add any details that you think are necessary for your essay. Your essay must be at least two pages in length, not counting … Read more

Explain the organizations, people, technologies, activities, processes, information, and resources involved in moving your product or service from a supplier to your customer at a local, national or global level.

The Wild, Wonderful World of Supply Chains. A “supply chain” is the system of organizations, people, technologies, activities, processes, information, and resources involved in moving a product or service from supplier to customer. Supply chain activities transform natural resources, raw materials and components into a finished product that is delivered to the end customer. Explain … Read more

Identify three job requirements that could apply to your chosen scenario. Determine two ways these requirements could impact staffing at your organization.

Business Expansion and Sustainability. You are a former certified education administrator who departed your former position to become the owner of a small, in-home day care consisting of you and a part-time assistant where you care for children from ages 3–10. Over the course of time, your demographic population has increased due to significant business … Read more

What are the expected capital expenditures for your company for this year? What are they investing in capital assets?

Financial statementsWhat is the purpose of capital 1. budgeting and how does it align to the corporate or finance strategy? 2. What are the expected capital expenditures for your company for this year? What are they investing in capital assets? 3. In the 10-K Item 6 Selected Financial Data – Review some interesting events that … Read more