Explain the plagiarism policy and penalties in your own words. What does this mean to you?

Explain the plagiarism policy and penalties in your own words. What does this mean to you? How do you feel about the policy? If the College did not expect students to know this and adhere to it, what professional problems might arise as they move into the world of work? What types of consequences might … Read more

By how much did revenues increase or decrease as a result of the change in price?

Future Supply and Demand for Crude Oil Price per barrel (2208) Daily US demand for crude oil (in millions of barrels per day) Daily US supply of crude oil (in millions of barrels per day) $25.00 1.0 0.5 $30.00 0.9 0.6 $35.00 0.8 0.7 $40.00 0.7 0.8 $45.00 0.6 0.9 $50.00 0.5 1.0 $55.00 0.4 … Read more

 Analyze and describe the company’s information management system. As part of your analysis, analyze if its IMS gives the company a competitive advantage over their competition.

 Consider that SCM Case Analysis: Information Technology you work for a company that develops and sells case studies and case study analyses. Your company’s primary customers are colleges and universities wanting to use them within their courses, but your company also has customers using them for management training and development. Your manager asked you to … Read more

Provide the extent and relatedness of diversification, the modes e.g., M&A, alliances, internal development of implementing recent diversification initiatives, and the type of international strategy implemented in various global markets.

Company: Zoom Provide the extent and relatedness of diversification, the modes (e.g., M&A, alliances, internal development) of implementing recent diversification initiatives, and the type of international strategy implemented in various global markets.

 Critically evaluate Intel’s strategy of using Justin Long as a spokesperson for its ad campaign. 

WSJ article: Intel Taps Justin Long, Who Played Mac in Long-Running Apple Ads, to Promote PCs Video: New Intel Ad Please answer: For whom was Justin Long a spokesperson before his recent role as a spokesperson for Intel? What was the tagline or persona in that previous role? Describe Justin Long’s tagline or persona for the Intel … Read more

 Using the knowledge you have gained throughout this course, develop a training program using the Training Design Process or ADDIE model.

You have been hired as the training and development manager for an organization. You are responsible for creating a new training program for your company. Using the knowledge you have gained throughout this course, develop a training program using the Training Design Process or ADDIE model. The project must be submitted in a Word document … Read more

On the highly functioning teams in which you’ve been a member, what other characteristics might have contributed to success?

Case #2 Smart Teams and Dumb Teams. From your experiences in teams, do you agree with the researchers’ findings on the characteristics of smart teams? Why or why not? On the highly functioning teams in which you’ve been a member, what other characteristics might have contributed to success? The authors who suggested that membership in … Read more

Develop a strategy for a specific organization to address the non-market pressures in a globalized and technological world.

Globalization and technological advancement have created a new paradigm for organizations. The globalized climate in which organizations operate has influenced the non-market and ethical environments. Develop a strategy for a specific organization to address the non-market pressures in a globalized and technological world. Ensure you address the ethical complexities through which leadership will need to … Read more