As you read the assigned authors’ works, reflect on how their words and ideas have shaped contemporary America, our culture, politics, and ethics. Do we uphold the ideals these founders held forth as national priorities for growing a healthy democratic society?

Philosophical conversations Use this period of eloquence and reason of radical thinkers and the founding fathers of our nation. The readings give insight into the philosophical conversations and rhetorical reasoning that led to the drafting of the Declaration of Independence, and our nation’s Constitution. The origins in early political parties such as the Federalists and … Read more

Examine American literary genres and social movements from Civil War to the contemporary period through the lens of American identity.

American Literature: 1850 (Civil War)—Present-Day (“Post-Racial America”) Examine American literary genres and social movements from Civil War to the contemporary period through the lens of American identity. One page, double-spaced.

Write a 600- to 900-word paper that examines the impact that the 2 types of media you selected have had on American culture since 1970.

American mass media and culture. American mass media and culture are deeply intertwined, and it is hard to imagine an aspect of American culture that is not influenced by mass media. Spirituality, politics, and even our language are influenced by media. In this assignment, you will investigate how 2 different types of media have impacted … Read more

Discuss the poetry of Romanticism, its origin, and symbolism. Provide a brief narrative of its development.

Poetry of Romamticism Discuss the poetry of Romanticism, its origin, and symbolism. Provide a brief narrative of its development. Mention four to five notable poets who fall under that category and explain their literary and intellectual contributions.Analyze their techniques, subjects, and the themes of their poems, as well as how their works represent the overall … Read more

The American Dream in Literature : What are the differences between the utopic and dystopic versions of the American dream that we can find in the work of American literature?

The American Dream in Literature. What are the differences between the utopic and dystopic versions of the American dream that we can find in the work of American literature?  

What does it mean to be free in both of the readings, and how do the authors suggest that a state of peacefulness is potentially obtainable?

Freedom and autonomy What role do the ideas of freedom and autonomy  play in the readings? What does it mean to be free in both of the readings, and how do the authors suggest that a state of peacefulness is potentially obtainable?