Write a research paper of 3-5 pages answering the following questions:

Write a research paper of 3-5 pages answering the following questions: How and why did the United States get involved in Cuba and Hawaii? Be sure to explore the following in terms of their ability to explain American interest in “imperialism” at the end of the nineteenth century: racial theories, international rivalry, trading interests, religious … Read more

US history: what does an examination of his life, principles and personal philosophies reveal to us about US society, culture and ethics during the Gilded Age ?

US history Andrew Carnegie is one of the most well-known “robber barons” in US history. What does an examination of his life, principles and personal philosophies reveal to us about US society, culture and ethics during the Gilded Age ? How did Carnegie feel about so-called “aristocratic privilege?” What were some of the similarities and … Read more

Why were the years between 1970 and 1988 so important?what were some of the major events during this period?

•Why were the years between 1970 and 1988 so important? What were some of the major events during this period? •Why has Ronald Reagan historically been considered one of period’s most influential figures? •Why was he so important and what did he symbolize? •How did the events of the 1970s and 80s (Oil Embargo, Iran … Read more

Analyze the evidence and explain the content, and extend to a new point.

Excerpt from Foner, Eric. The Fiery Trial: Abraham Lincoln and American Slavery. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 2010.) [1] The first racially integrated social movement in American history, abolitionism was also the first to insist on the inextricable connection between the struggles against slavery and racism. [2] “While the word ‘white’ is on the … Read more

The Chinese Exclusion: what factors contributed to the popularity of anti- Chinese sentiment in the nineteenth century and the eventual abandonment by the United States of its policy of admitting immigrants irrespective of race, nationality, or country of origin?explain.

The Chinese Exclusion The Chinese Exclusion Act (1882) marked both a pivot in U.S. history and a continuation. It was pivotal in that it ended the traditional U.S. policy of open immigration and began an era of restrictions that culminated in the Johnson-Reed Act of 1924, which imposed strict quotas based on racial and ethnic … Read more

Compare the way in which we elect presidents in our current system to the proposal of the National popular vote movement.which method is superior?explain your answer.

The U.S. Constitution stipulates that Electors will vote for the office of President and Vice President, what we commonly refer to as the Electoral College. Two times in the 21st century the candidate with the most popular votes across the United States has not won the most votes in the Electoral College, hence losing the … Read more

Human rights: hunt asks the question of why human rights conceived of as natural, equal and universal appeared for the first time at the end of the 18th century?how does Hunt answer her own question?

Human rights Hunt asks the question of why human rights conceived of as natural, equal and universal appeared for the first time at the end of the 18th century? How does Hunt answer her own question? Hunt raises the point that human rights are claimed to be “self-evident.” But if this were the case, why … Read more